February 11, 2014

Valentine decor around the house...

I put out a few Valentine things before surgery.
 I didn't realize how tired I really was until everyone left the house Monday for school and I was alone.
I love my family, but I’m also enjoying the peace and quiet while my body is healing.
My energy has been completely zapped and I've actually been napping (something I never ever do).
I haven't felt like reading yet, but I've been making lists of books to check out later. Many of you have been sharing your favorite reads.  Thank you.
A box of Valentine ornaments arrived from Sarah at Makin Projects.  I always participate in her holiday swaps and bowed out this year knowing I would need to focus on other things before surgery. 

Thank you, ladies for your generosity.   Totally unexpected and much appreciated.
 I also need to thank everyone who sent get well cards and special Valentines too. I'm definitely feeling the love.  

On Thursday, I'll have a very special Valentine post.  I took the pictures well before surgery when I was allowed to climb through mounds of snow and strategically bend my body in odd positions to get the perfect shot.  Stay tuned. 


  1. It is really good to read your post, Kim. Give yourself time to recover from the trauma you have been through with this surgery. Peace and quiet are wonderful! xo Nellie

  2. Your Valentines are so cute. You deserve a nap my dear. It will help you body heal. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  3. Nap away! It's what your body needs right now.

  4. Yes naps help I know after my surgery I took lots of naps, don't feel guilty before you know it you'll be up and around!

  5. Nap all day if you need to. Sleep is the best thing for you right now.

  6. Lovin' your little tree! Rest up, it will help you feel better quicker:@)

  7. Love all of your Valentine's, Kim! And the goodies that your friends sent you are wonderful and thoughtful! Be sure to take time to rest, let others wait on you:)

  8. Keep resting!!! A nap sounds great!
    Our little "community" takes care of each other with gifts, cards, and prayers!

  9. This is all very natural after surgery, just take your time getting well and don't over do...you will be totally back to normal in no time. And take all of the naps you need.

  10. Glad you are resting and take it easy! Recovery takes time and naps! :)

  11. Listen to your body and rest as much as you can. I love your Valentine's but o how I adore your lil red and white fridge ...drool...enjoy your evening hugs lil raggedy Angie

  12. I'm so glad you are at home and trying to rest at least. I hate taking naps but when your body needs one, it's better to sleep. Love your sweet Valentines and gifts. Those with ice skaters are my favorites! Sweet hugs my friend!

  13. I have been thinking about you Kim. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery. Your home is full of love , the photos of your special decorations and parcels are lovely. Blessings my blog friend.

  14. Pretty Valentine decorations. Glad that you are resting and recovering :)

  15. Glad to hear your able to get some rest and enjoy all those pretty Valentines! They look so cute on the apron and love the adorable tree!! :) xo Holly

  16. sorry to hear your recovery is slower than you wished... I'm praying that will notice improvement every day!

  17. Hooray for Valentine's Day! Enjoy your down time and feel better soon!

  18. Happy you are napping and taking things slowly . . . excited to see your Thursday post.

  19. A post in the snow with you as a contortionist? hmmmm.
    Enjoy the quite..nap..relax and heal.

  20. Once this is over, you'll think it's the best thing you ever did! Don't rush it. I had mine when I was working at the nursing home as an activity director. I went back 2 weeks before I should and I paid for it! Take care of yourself first!
    I love the cookie cutters!!! Hope you feel better than your old self soon!

  21. I'm happy to hear that you're getting your rest.
    I love your decorations!
    Hugs- Erica :)

  22. I love your posts, Kim. I love the whimsical nature of them and how creative and artistic you are. Hope you are feeling better day by day! xo Diana

  23. Valentine collections are good. Take rest to make your body feel good.

  24. Always love seeing your sweet decorations around your home! Hope you are feeling better!! xo Heather


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