March 2, 2014

Back to semi-normal...

I'm heading back to work Monday. I've got a couple of appointments with doctors this week. I'm not feeling 100%. I'm closer to 60%.  This surgery took much more out of me than I expected.   

Thank you for all the inquiries and well wishes.

Can you believe it's March?  This is a picture of the end of our driveway looking into our mailbox.

Guesses on how long you think we'll be able to keep our backyard ice rink functioning?

Last year, our rink was operational until March 9th.   I'm pretty sure we'll be beating that date.


  1. I'm going to guess you'll be skating until tax time. OH MY! What a lot of snow banked up. I hope you get lots of rest today and feel better each day. Sweet hugs!

  2. OH- You have snow like we do, Kim! UGH!!!

    I am so sorry that you didn't recover as fast as you had hoped. I am hoping by the time Spring really arrives you will be 100%.

    Have a lovely family Sunday and good luck with "back to work" tomorrow. xo Diana

  3. I just love your doll house all decked out for St. Paddy's Day! those dolls are the cutest ever! I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, maybe you could delay going back to work for a few days? Hope you feel better soon. I had to do a double take on all that snow and your mail box peeking out!!! The girls will be skating til May at this rate!!

  4. We're expecting more snow here today, whoever ticked Mother Nature off this winter needs to be slapped on the back of the head! Take care of yourself:@)

  5. Take it easy back to work -- could you work half days for a week or two? That snow is really too much -- am guessing your skating rink will still be going at the end of March!

  6. Thinking about you and your return to work, the adverse weather does not make things easier. Please take care. The photo of your snow bank is quite something. We had a storm last night, so I dug us out this morning. Our rinks were supposed to close yesterday, but the city extended the closure until March 15th although the climatologist says it may be April 15th before we experience spring temperatures.
    Love all your St. Patrick Day goodies!

  7. LOl I cant believe the poor mailman is still managing to get mail in that box! Ours skips us if they cant drive close enough to the box.

    I think it takes a full 12 weeks to feel better. Its a long time I know. :(

  8. Oh, I hope you will be feeling 100% real soon... Your leprechauns are too cute!

  9. I'm surprised you can still find the ice rink, under all that snow! Take it easy, Kim. Maybe you just need to go back half- days for a little while, until you are feeling better.

  10. Love your sweet decorations and the house and the gals are soo cute!! :) Make sure to still take it easy back to work!! :) Oh my, your mail boxes!! Have a wonderful restful Sunday xo Holly

  11. I vote for half days too! Or maybe a nap time in the middle of the day. ? Did you watch the hockey game on tv last night. It was amusing since it outdoors and in the middle of a snowstorm. Reminded me of your rink.

  12. I'm sorry that you aren't feeling better than what you are. That surgery takes so much out of you. Can you take extra time off.
    Your doll house is so cute. Always so festive.
    How do you get your mail delivered. We had a big melt down week before last. Now we are freezing again and having another big snow. Ours isn't as high as
    Take care and rest when you can.

  13. I'm sorry to read about your recent surgery. It does take time to feel better! Do take care of yourself! A big virtual hug from utah!
    After my surgery I found out I have interstitial cystitis (not fun) and after more time and test that I have rheumatoid arthritis too (no wonder I haven't felt well for a long time).
    Having ones health is never over-rated. I do hope and pray for all the best recovery vibes sent your way!
    I LOVE all your crafts and doll house wizardry! I've been painting a recent thrift store dollhouse find (so like your converted Halloween dollhouse and almost exactly like the dollhouse that my grandfather made that I almost stole from my parents).
    ; )
    All the best of everything, dear Kim!

  14. Oh my goodness Kim, I can't believe how much snow you have! Take it easy at work and hopefully you'll be back to your self soon. :)

  15. Take it easy this week, you don't want a set back . I am beginning to think you will be able to keep that skating rink up until May at the rate we are going.

  16. You are going back to work, already??? Maybe just 1/2 days???
    I think you'll be able to skate until Easter :)
    Take it easy tomorrow!

  17. This looks exactly like our mailbox!! Last week I came home from work and found my husband on top of the snow bank along the side of the driveway shoveling it further into the yard! The sides along the drive were so high we couldn't throw it up there any higher!

  18. I laughed out loud literally when I saw your mailbox! my daffodils are all up and we're expecting temps in the 20's tomorrow with 4-6 inches snow. Poor flowers. I think you'll be skating til April, ugh.

    Sounds like you are going back to work too soon, maybe rethink that.

    :) Pam

  19. Oh my, I sound like a broken record! How do you do all that snow! I do wish you felt better. I hope you can relax a bit at school. Probably not. Your St Patty's decorations are adorable!

  20. Ease into the work time . . . you are still healing.
    Farmers Almanac says we are due for a huge snow storm April 15 . . . I think you'll still be skating . . . Just sayin' . . .

  21. Wow! That is a lot of snow. Oh you are going to be that date for sure. Yesterday afternoon we got more cold weather and the wind is really blowing. I thought for sure we where going to wake up in Oz the morning. LOL. I am so sorry to hear you are still not 100% and you have to go to work? Has it been 6 weeks?
    Hope you have a good day back to work.

  22. Surgery is never fun! I hope you feel better soon!

    That snow is sooo crazy!

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  24. Don't over do it at's so easy to wake up feeling well and then by the end of the you realize you've pushed yourself to the max. I just can't believe all the snow! I think you maybe skating on the 4th of July!!

  25. I think your St. Patty's Day house is gorgeous. So sorry to hear you had surgery. It does take more time than people think to get over the ordeal surgery puts your body though. When I say my prayers today. I will say one for you.
    You take care,
    XXOO Marie Antoinette


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.