March 20, 2014

Feeling groovy and tiny tweaks to the Easter cottage!

Many of you have left comments or sent email wondering how I'm doing. Thank you, friends. I'm happy to report that modern medicine has helped with some of the issues I had after surgery. I've been back to work running full steam for a couple of weeks.

I'm looking forward to spending some time this weekend in my craft room finishing up the Easter cottage and working on my cloche for the Spring Cloche Swap.

 I hope you all find time to do some of your own playing this weekend.


  1. Glad to hear you're feeling better! Sometimes it's nice to get back to our routines! As always I love your miniatures! Happy crafting!

  2. Love your spring house. So glad you are feeling better. Those surgeries can totally zap you.
    Have they sent out information about the swap. I hope they got my name. I had to buy 25 wine glasses, hah.

  3. I love all your dolly house posts! :-) So glad you are feeling back to normal.

  4. Finally spent some time in my 'playroom' today too. I had cortisone in my right elbow on Tues. which may, after 5 weeks of pain mean it's almost over! The Easter accessories in the cottage are adorable!

  5. Lookin so cute! Glad to hear you're doing better! I hoping to craft and work on my cloche too! :) Happy first day of spring!! xo Holly

  6. OMGosh, Kim. That is so very cute. You just put together the sweetest little houses. xo Diana

  7. I love the Easter cottage I need to get busy on the dollhouse, I need to add wallpaper first, bought some scrapbook paper but not sure if thats the right way to go? Help!

  8. Lovin' the little Easter basket! I'm hoping for a little bloggy inspiration soon (and more daylight for pictures would help too:@) Glad to hear you're feeling better Kim-Happy weekend!

  9. I just love your bunny cottage. Please tell us how you crafted the banner. I love all the furniture. Glad you are feeling good. It's tough being a woman sometimes! :)

  10. eeeek! I need a bunny cottage!
    happy weekend

  11. So glad you are feeling better! Your Easter cottage is so cute! I have a coupon for Michaels and I am heading out this weekend to see if I can find some things for my adorable Kitchen diorama you made! Happy Spring!



  12. So glad to hear you're feeling peppy again, Kim.

    Love your Easter cottage, so adorable!

    Happy crafty Spring weekend!

  13. So glad to hear that you are doing well :) Your Easter cottage is looking very "Spring"! Have fun playing!

  14. Glad you are feel groovy again! :) Love your Easter touches --now to get rid of that snow! Happy weekend!

  15. So glad to hear that you are feeling better, and that you have your groove back, Kim! Have a great weekend!

  16. Surgery is always a trauma to the body! Some of us need longer to fully recuperate than others, for some reason. Hopefully your journey will be 100%! xo Nellie

  17. I'm glad you're doing better and I hope you'll take your time letting your body heal. Love the sweet details of the Easter cottage! Have a wonderful weekend my friend!

  18. You sound like you have your mojo back . . . in the grove and sailing into springtime! Good news!

    Love the little spring like house. Looks like you are having great fun!

  19. So adorable!! Enjoy the weekend and hoping the sun will be shining bright and warm for you! xo Heather

  20. So good to hear Kim! I'm feeling better than I expected today. The power of blogger prayers and support.

    Love your sweet cottage.

  21. So glad to hear you are feeling groovy Kim! You have done such an amazing job with those miniatures and capturing them on camera-I look forward to seeing more .
    PS thank you so much for the Miss Fisher recommendation. I will look for it and also recommend it to my dad.

  22. So glad you are feeling good again!

    I am busy working on Easter too!

  23. Hi Kim! Your Easter Cottage is adorable, I love it! I have been away from blogging and just now decided to see what others have been up to. I always look forward to your posts with all of your incredibly creative projects. So much fun. Our Michael's doest't carry any dollhouse furniture kits or any other minis for that matter, but I did notice they have an end cap with mini gnome garden accessories that would be good for mini houses as well. I recognized several of your minis from Hobby Lobby and I'm loving those little Easter eggs in that galvanized tub! I bought those same eggs and had not decided what to do with them, now I know! Cute idea. And your little cloches are so precious! You are such an inspiration to me! :)
    I have been working on my blue farmhouse and will be posting the decorating updates maybe tomorrow so be watching for it if you are interested. :)
    Take care and as always, can't wait for more!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.