March 23, 2014

On the craft room counter...

In between loads of laundry this weekend, I spent time playing in my craft room.  
 I made a glorious mess.
I came up with three different cloche ideas for  for "Deb and Sandy's Spring Cloche Swap".
 In case you are interested in making your own, the rabbit and chick figurines (they come without bows) are currently available at Joann Fabrics for $1.99.
My favorite part of the cloche are the flowers, leaves and miniature toadstools.
A tiny bit of spring has been captured inside a plastic wine glass cloche.
Spring doesn't look like it's coming to West Michigan anytime soon, but it's definitely in my craft room!!

PS.  Just thought you'd like to know that the ice rink is still functional.  These were taken Sunday afternoon (March 23rd).  
Apparently Old Man Winter and Mother Nature haven't coordinated their schedules yet.



  1. Love these! I know you've made a few displays using the plastic wine glasses...I'm working on mine today for Sandy's swap...I needed to get the plastic wine glasses, the ones I got from the dollar store are small....about 2 1/2" this the right glass to use?

  2. What cute spring cloches! I haven't felt like decorating much since youngest child went off to college. But, I have her and younger son home for spring break so I am starting to feel a bit festive :)

  3. I am laughing at the still functional ice skating rink-only in the Midwest! Your little cloches are the sweetest things ever! xo Diana

  4. I think with a functional ice rink, banked with surrounding snow . . . the only spring inside your world is inside a wine glass cloche! Fun post Kim!

  5. Lovin' your cloches! The little white bunny is adorable:@)

  6. These are far too cute, I don't know how you always come up with such great ideas...and all in a small glass!

  7. It is do nice to see spring in your craft room ! Such a pretty mess - those cloches are wonderful !! Will your rink melt by April fools ? It was ten degrees below freezing this morning!

  8. I know! Can't wait for Spring to get here. Although the season is technically here, the weather begs to differ.
    LOVE seeing your craft room filled with scrumptiousness!

  9. I love how you make those! I treasure the halloween one you made me. What type of glue do you use for small flowers and mushroom? Hugs

  10. Cute, cute, cute! I have been working on mine too. They are kind of addicting! Still skating! I thought our Spring has been cold but yours is ridiculous!


  11. Cute, cute, cute! I have been working on mine too. They are kind of addicting! Still skating! I thought our Spring has been cold but yours is ridiculous!


  12. Fun outside photos but I like your Spring creations inside, too! Enjoy the week ahead! Hope you see more glimpses of Spring! Sweet hugs!

  13. Yessss! Your little spring cloches are absolutely charming! I must seek out the closest Jo-Anns for those figurines!


  14. I love your craft table top! It's always fun to see inside the room of creative gals! Very darling cloches!!!
    I know, this cold weather needs to go away until next winter!

  15. They are just adorable, Kim! I love your idea of using a plastic wine glass as the cloche. The little trims and special touches you add are so sweet. Sure doesn't look like spring will be arriving anytime soon here in MI!!

  16. Your cloches are so cute. I like how you used the felt and the pearls. I may copy that. Love the figurines and that's such a good price. I have all my things just need to glue them. Fun swap.

  17. What a fun weekend of crafting! Since the weather is still cool here too, I worked on May Day baskets!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  18. Adorable crafts. I am beginning to think at the rate we are going, the girls may be ice skating in June! We have more snow headed our way Tuesday.

  19. Love seeing your craft table looking like that! Mine does too when I'm creating. Very sweet cloches. I've made one and want to do more.

    Time to trade those ice skates in for sandals soon.

  20. You are always creating such cuteness!! Glad you made a fun crafty mess this weekend!! ;) xo Heather

  21. My Craftroom is such a mess, I don't even know how to get started cleaning it up! I love your cloches! The bunnies are so cure!

  22. So very cute Kim!! I have many craft areas going on in our (I need to work on cleaning it up! I have a little in the kitchen, at my craft table, the ironing board is out and not to mention an extra table set up in the middle of the living room! ha!-so glad hubby doesn't mind!) Your bunnies are so cute!! :) My goodness it's been freezing here too, yesterday flurries! xo Holly

  23. Your spring cloches are adorable Kim. You may as well keep your supplies close at hand because I know you will be making lots of other cute things.

    xo Danielle

  24. I love the felt shapes underneath each animal!
    We saw an ice skating show on the cruise we just took, and I told my kids I'd have to take them to an ice skating rink- they'd probably be amazed that one of my friends has one in her yard!!

  25. Might as well keep skating as long as things stay frozen there. We've had a couple of little snow dustings since Springs official start, but it all melted off in a couple of hours.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.