May 4, 2014

Kicking off the first of the May celebrations!!!

The first of our month-long celebrations kicked off this weekend.   
 Although I don't have lots of photo evidence, please know that Emma did a wonderful job on her flute solo.

 We then celebrated Josie's first communion mass late Sunday afternoon.

 She is wearing the same dress and veil that Emma wore seven years ago.

We're very proud parents of both our beautiful girls.

Josie - The day the Lord brought you into our family, we have been blessed over and over again.

Dear God, Thank you for this special girl and the joy she brings as she learns to love you and follow in your way.


  1. What a wonderful way to start the month -- two celebrations of your wonderful girls! Special blessings to sweet Josie on her First Communion! Hope you have a great week!

  2. Special weekend indeed . . .
    Your priest looks familiar to me . . . .

  3. Precious! Just absolutely beautiful-both girls and the celebration. I know she is grow to be the precious young lady that God has planned for her to be. I love the two girls together. Both look so proud of each other.

  4. What a sweet and special post!
    Both girls are growing up!
    Love that Miss Josie was able to wear the same veil and dress. The sweetest!

  5. perfect way to start May! you do have beautiful girls and yes.. you are blessed!
    have a great week my friend!

  6. Congratulations on this weekend's happy moments. It is so nice to see Josie wear Emma's dress. Blessings to all of you.

  7. Oh, congratulations to both beautiful girls! You got such nice photos of Josie at her communion. We went to my nephew's first communion over the weekend, and were lucky to even be able to see him through the crowds!

  8. Special blessings for Josie and wishes for Emma's continued success on the flute! xo Nellie

  9. Looks like both the girls had a special weekend. That's so sweet that they both wore the same dress and veil for their Communions.

    On a side note, I saw on tv about the ice tsunami coming ashore in Michigan. Just when you think the stupid winter has done you in, then on come the freak icebergs! Maybe you should move down to Ohio where it's safe :)

  10. Your girls are beautiful! Congrats to Emma on her solo and Josie on her 1st Communion!



  11. Your girls are beautiful! And growing up so fast...

  12. Great family memories..the crazy month has begun! Congrats to Josie! (seems so long ago for Kate and her first communion)

  13. What a beauty! And she looks so tall!! Congratulations on this special day!

  14. Your girls are both so pretty and sweet! :) So neat that both girls were able to wear the same veil and dress! Happy sweet day to you!! xo Holly

  15. How lovely! Josie looked beautiful and so did Emma in that special Communion dress :) Congratulations to Emma for her flute solo too. You are raising two beautiful, well rounded young ladies. Maggie

  16. Lovely photos, lovely girls. Enjoy your month of special occasions.

  17. Josie is so big, and so beautiful, I love her dress! Happy month of celebrating!

  18. You have such beautiful girls and they are both such a blessing. I'll say a prayer for these precious gifts from God, too. Enjoy your week my friend! Hugs!

  19. Both of your girls are just beautiful! Have a wonderful May!
    Josie looked so beautiful in her dress!

  20. What a special and blessed weekend!! A blessing they both are!! xo Heather

  21. Josie looked soooo cute on her First Communion day! It looks like you had a great weekend!

  22. I love the photos of Josie and Emma together! And Emma 7 years ago, too! That is great that they both wore the same dress:) Bet you are so proud of them both, you are raising two beautiful young ladies!!

  23. What a beautiful way to start the month of May.


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