July 7, 2014

Behind the scenes...what you didn't see!!

Hard to believe, that just one week ago, we got the keys to our a-frame cottage. 
These last few months have been filled with lots of inspections.  We knew structurally it was fine, it just hadn't been updated since it was built in 1964.  You ALSO had to see past the cobwebs, inches of dust and stinky carpeting. 
 One of the first things we did, was to remove the two cupboards that obstructed the view of the lake from the tiny kitchen.
Not afraid of hard work (Chris and I have lived in four different dwellings in our twenty-two years of marriage) we just needed to put on the safety glasses, purchase a ton of cleaning supplies and fire up the shop vac.

Chris was in charge of removing the carpeting and the tack strips, while I was removing all the zillion individual tacks.  I won't lie.  We were disappointed to see lots of black adhesive over the original pine floor.
The girls loft flooring was in mint condition and we were hoping that the rest of the flooring was just as lovely.
Knowing that we wouldn't have time to sand it out last week, we decided to cover everything with protective Red Rosin paper.  
We temporarily then brought in a few pieces of furniture (enough to get us through the week).
The lower level was tackled next.  More stinky carpet was removed and the walls were freshly painted.  Goodbye STINK!
The refrigerator, stove and bathroom were also scrubbed down and then we focused on the plantings and upper deck outside.
We even planted a few flowers to go in the hosta bed.
Last and most important to Mr. Chris, the boat lift needed to be fixed so that we could protect our precious blue boat.
Despite all our sweaty labor, we did manage to find time to relax.  Cups of hot chocolate were enjoyed on the back deck.
There were frozen coke errands to run, boating opportunities and fireworks to enjoy over the lake.
Over this next week, more electrical upgrades are being completed, a new water heater is being installed and Chris hopes to tackle sanding the floors.

Thank you for all the sweet comments and support about the a-frame.  I hope you don't grow tired of our rehabbing adventures.


  1. It is so much fun to go along on this new adventure with you. It is amazing how much you have gotten done so far in such a short time. And it is turning out to be such a cute, cute cottage.

  2. Wow -- you all are amazing to accomplish so much in such a short amount of time! Way to go! Love following along! :)

  3. Your lake house is just adorable. You have done so much work in such a short time! I know the girls are going to love this!



  4. No "growing tired" from me! I love watching your progress and amazing how much you have accomplished!
    And having some fun too . . .

  5. So excited for you. I didn't know you had only had the keys for a week. I wish I still had all my lake things, I would send them to you. I even had a tree with just lake ornaments. I gave them to my cousin when we sold or cottage. If I run across anything I will let you know. So much fun decorated flea market style. That's what we did.
    A tip, I don't know how damp it is there, but, we bought a dehumidifier and ran it when we were at our cottage. It helps with musty smells from being close to the water. You may not need it.
    Doing better each day.

  6. Oh I love hearing about your lake cottage! We recently looked at some properties in Lake Arrowhead. Alas, we need to wait until our youngest is graduated from college ( oldest graduated, second nearly done, and one more to go)... So, keep on posting about your cute cottage! :)

  7. I always enjoy seeing the progress of "before" to "after." There's nothing more fun than a little vintage A-Frame...it's like a stationary version of the little vintage camper. So much fun to see what people do with them.

  8. I'm loving hearing about and seeing your cute a frame!! It's turning out so adorable!! :) Looks like a wonderful weekend and well spent!! You really got a lot accomplished just in one week!! Happy new week to you. xo Holly

  9. Love seeing what you are doing to make it your own. Can't wait to see it when you are done. I know it will be awesome!

  10. Oh you lucky lucky people!!! I love your cottage on the lake so much, because it's our dream to have one too some day. I like all of the thrifty furnishings too. We stay at a cottage on a lake every summer, and we are totally different people during that time. So relaxed, and we could just sit out there and stare at the water for hours! I'm going to enjoy watching you guys make this cottage your own. Congratulations!!!

  11. This is really interesting to me! I won't tire from hearing about what you are doing. It will for sure be an improvement over what was there in the beginning! Yay for removing stinky carpet! xo Nellie

  12. You guys have accomplished so much in such a short time. I'm glad you made time to enjoy yourselves as well. It's looking amazing! SO excited to see each picture! Maggie

  13. Love the before and after and fun to see the transformation. Am sure Chris has a busy week with more projects.

  14. You have owl lights outside!!! Those are so cute! Great idea to remove that kitchen cabinet. Who would ever want to get in the way of that view? Looks like you've made a big dent in the to-do list. I will never tire of your rehab posts.

  15. Very cool! Lots of hard work, but the payoff will be so worth it! Have fun:@)

  16. I just love your little cottage! You guys are so creative and resourceful. Can't wait to see the finished product.

  17. wont get tired here.. Im living vicariously through you! cant wait to see every step of the way!
    have fun my friend!

  18. It's fun to see what you've already accomplished. You're going to have such fun getting it just the way you want it. I hope you have a good week. Wish you had another week off! Sweet hugs, Diane

  19. It looks so sweet and once you are all finished it will be amazing! So happy for all of you! Such a great place to have! So fun! xo Heather

  20. I love watching the transformation! Keep posting pics!! So happy for you guys. I know you will make many wonderful memories there.

  21. I'm enjoying seeing the before and afters on your sweet cottage!

  22. my daughters future in laws live in one of those on a lake in Missouri. I had never seen one before.

  23. Oh my word! You two are one amazing team! I can't believe how much work you have done! It looks fabulous and so very festive for the 4th too!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.