September 14, 2014

My 2014 Halloween Tree Reveal!

With the next few weekends packed with homecoming, varsity football and marching band competitions, I decided to make the most of a nearly empty Saturday and start unpacking a few of my orange Halloween storage tubs. 
I spent most of Saturday decorating my Halloween  tree. 
 Handmade ornaments mixed with lots of vintage Halloween picks and special treasures, fill the branches. 
 For those of you who have followed me as long as I've been blogging, you know that our family {loves} Halloween! 
 NOT the icky, scary, gross-kind of Halloween, but the fun, vintage, Orange and Black Halloween!
This year, marks our 23rd annual Halloween party. 
 As you can see, my Halloween tree is extra full this year. Boy, I love it so!!  "Early" Halloween hugs!


  1. Fun, fun, FUN! Lovin' the lantern lights! I'm all about keeping the 'happy' in Halloween too! Your tree looks great Kim-enjoy:@)

  2. I'm so excited! Love seeing the tree. I am doing a table top one. Just so happy to see all the orange and black again! It's like seeing old friends when I open my tubs!!Now that you put up your tree, that's like permission for me to start mine!! Yours is THE BEST! Maggie

  3. You have a wonderful collection of Halloween treasures for your tree!
    Many memories for your family.

  4. Great plan you had, Kim! "Make hay while the sun shines!":-) That is a wonderful tree! xo Nellie

  5. I always love to see the unveiling of your holiday trees! Just stunning!

  6. A good use of a Saturday and nice to cross that tree of your Halloween list. Looks mighty spoooook! (not gory, blood spooky...I don't do that either)

  7. Kim- You just do THE BEST seasonal trees! I love this one with the witch's hat topping the tree! Too cute for words. Guess I better start hauling Fall out! lol

  8. That tree looks like it should be on the cover of a magazine! I love it!


  9. Oh my, this is my favorite of your trees EVER (that's probably not grammatically correct, but it's early). Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!

  10. Just love all the special things on your tree. It is finally cool enough today for me to believe that fall is actually on the way. Witch hat on the top is perfect!

  11. I put mine up this weekend too! I started taking pictures and the battery dies. Hopefully I will get photos up tomorrow. Yours is beautiful! I love Halloweeen!



  12. So fun Kim!! Your whole tree looks so full and lovely! So beautiful! Loving all the little peaks on Instagram! :)
    ~Halloween hugs! Holly

  13. Just amazing!! The witch's hat for the "star" is the perfect touch. I know I've said it numerous times before, but your kids are so lucky to have such fun memories of holidays in their house!!

  14. I love seeing all your Halloween goodies. They look like so much fun and are so stinkin cute. It would be so much fun to be neighbor.

  15. Love, love, love your Halloween tree! So cute!

  16. Such fun . . . Looks delightful!
    Enjoy these busy weeks ahead . . .

  17. OOOOO! That is so Halloweenish! Halloweeny?

    My favorite is that little yarn doll black kitten. My daughter makes yarn dolls and I wanted to see if I could make that kitten (I saw him on Pinterest) but I can't figure out how to get the sytrofoam ball into the head.

  18. I always love seeing your tree in all the seasons, be especially at halloween. we halloween lovers have to start early dont we! OH guess what? I bought you a little pressie at the country living fair! Its for the A frame.. Just need to get my butt to the PO. Be watching your mail!
    happy wednesady

  19. You make every season so much fun! Your tree gets better every year! Wish I was a neighbor that could stop by! Hugs!

  20. So many cute decorations! I'm getting so excited for all of the upcoming holidays. We have been collecting vintage blow molds for years and I've only recently begun to display them together like you have for that big WoW factor. Your display looks amazing! I'm so glad I stumbled across your blog & started following your instagram, too


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.