October 27, 2014

23 years of Halloween Partying!

It was another unforgettable Halloween party!
The morning of our Friday party, Chris even had an electrician at our house installing another electrical outlet (and surge protector) so that we could safely plug in the popcorn machine and the zillion fog machines that live in our graveyard.
This year, Chris came as "Buddy the Elf".

 As you can imagine, he enjoyed playing his "character" all night.
Isn't Emma beautiful?  We managed to find her beaded dress at TJ Maxx on clearance.

 We recycled pieces and parts of former costumes to make Josie's black cat costume.
Chris and I counted over 100 people in attendance Friday night.
The house and garage were packed.
We had lots of teens.
We also had lots of Josie's friends.
We also had a great turnout from Chris's coworkers and their families.
We also had plenty of food and carnival games.  
After twenty-three years of hosting Halloween parties, you'd think we'd learn that we need to hire someone to take pictures during the party so that we aren't scrambling to have more photographic evidence. Oh well.  Halloween hugs from our house to your own!


  1. OMG!!!! And I thought I was the only total Halloween nut case around! Your decorations are fabulous!!!! Thank you for inviting me to your party and for visiting mine.
    Wow! 23 years! Keep on Halloweening!

  2. Wow~you guys host terrific Halloween parties! Wonderful pictures-thanks for sharing the fun. Nice that you can slow down this week and enjoy all the decorations. I am tired just thinking about packing everything away there!

  3. Your party looked amazing Kim. What a bunch of work that went into it. You can tell that your family really loves doing it and giving back to others. Happy Halloween!

    xo Danielle

  4. I've been waiting since Saturday for your post to see the party! Incredible! I just love the photo of you an dChris. I'm sure everyone had an amazing time. Emma andJosie are just beautiful :) Now on to the big day Friday!

  5. What fun. Everybody looks so cute. So many people. You do know how to throw a party.

  6. WOW!!! You guys sure know how to throw a Halloween Bash! Looks FAB!
    Yes, you could/should hire someone to take photos so that you can have more fun yourselves!

  7. What fun, Kim! I love your pictures and sure wish you had MORE of them. Chris looks JUST like Buddy the Elf. I LOVE It!!! I love it all, Kim. Your kids are going to look back someday and just love that you did this when they were kids. xo Diana

  8. I am in awe... What a great Halloween party!

  9. Love all of your costumes, especially Buddy with his beer, lol. 100 people, amazing, what fun!

  10. It looks like everyone had a blast! Chris cracks me up, what a fun time:@)

  11. Oh, how I wish I could come to one of your parties- I can tell you guys have a gift for hosting! Emma looks beautiful in her costume, and you made a gorgeous witch, too! Love Buddy the Elf- what a fun costume! And of course Josie is a doll as a kitty- Avery would love that costume! I bet you're tired out after that weekend, but will have just enough rest for more fun on Friday!

  12. You really make it special for lots of people! Making memories...how wonderful. And your hubby looks so cute and just like the character. And you look gorgeous! Love your costume...and the girl's too! Amazing again this year! Hugs, Diane

  13. What a fantastic Halloween party! I loved seeing all those amazing costumes and your pumpkins are brilliant!

  14. Outstanding you guys!
    Oh my . . . it looks like it was so much fun and everyone looked like they were having a great time!
    How wonderful for Emma and her friends and Josie and her friends. And the weather was perfect too. I was so tempted to grab my "One Eye Jack" guy and surprise you. Maybe next year . . .

  15. Oh my word! What an amazing party! I love all of the little details -- the decorations, the costumes, the food, the games! I bet your guests look forward to it each and every year!

    Happy Halloween Week!

  16. What great fun! I believe I'd consider moving to the neighborhood just for the Halloween party!:-) xo Nellie

  17. Oh, that looks like so much fun! Love Buddy! I guess when you haven't grown up in the elf family you're allowed to have a few brewskies:) Glad the party was a success.

  18. Phew! Looks like all that hard work paid off and I can't believe the crowd you had. I'll show up one year and take the photos for you!

  19. Kim,
    OMG!! You guys are really spectacular doing this for all your friends and family!! I hope they all realize how lucky they are to have your family in their lives.....
    Fantastic, Kim!!


  20. Wow!! That looks like so much fun! Love the costumes your family wore! So cute! I bet Elf may be back for Christmas? Emma looks stunning and Josie is a cutie! What a blast! Hope you were able to take a day off to recover! Now, trick or treating is next! :)

  21. Wow, what fun!! Love all your costumes and decorations Kim!! It's been fun seeing peaks on IG, too!! Glad you had such a fabulous party!! Happy Halloween! xo Heather

  22. WOW! Everything looks so awesome and like so much fun!! Great picture of you and Chris, Emma and Josie are too cute too! What a great find at TJ for Emma's dress, I love that store! Looks like an amazing party! Happy Halloween!! xo Holly

  23. Oh how wonderful, I had so very much fun, thank you for having me. I am running late but hope you still have time to visit me: momentsinaneye.blogspot.com

  24. Wow Kim!!! I wish I was your neighbor! Your parties look just wonderful, how fun! You guys look great dressed up as the Elf movie characters! That's really good!
    Have a wonderful Halloween day!

  25. What an amazing Halloween Party! The costumes, the decorations! Just awesome! Happy Halloween!


  26. hello my friend! love seeing all the pictures. I know its hard to socialize and take pictures.. isnt it? I LOVE the pic of you and buddy ! lol! looke like everything went perfectly and Im sure everyone had a great time. YOu guys sure do put your hearts and souls into that party. CRAZY decorations! and why doesnt it surprise me that mr Chris had the electrician there the morning of the party. Such a type A personality he is.
    have a great day kimmie.

  27. That was one heck of a Halloween party! All those memories - LOVE Buddy the Elf!
    Missing Blog Land, need to find time to visit more. Thanks for keeping in touch!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.