October 29, 2014

Hoo's excited for Halloween?

This summer (like every summer), we had big plans for growing our own pumpkins in our backyard vegetable garden. Mother Nature and Mr. Groundhog had other ideas and we were left with only two pumpkins. 
Although Chris is the master pumpkin carver, I'm the glue gun painter pumpkin designer when it comes to Josie's school pumpkin contest.
This year, she decided she wanted to create an Owl for her school's pumpkin contest.
We used lots of straight pins to hold our felt feathers into place.
Mr. Owl is now happy to be visiting Josie's school library.  Happy "almost" Halloween!


  1. How cute! Love the owl. My daughter was an owl last year for Halloween and I remember cutting out all those feathers! Did Josie help? She looks so proud and she should be, it's adorable. Love the picture of all your lit pumpkins in your header. Awesome!! Have a very Happy Halloween!!

  2. The owl pumpkin turned out great! And congrats on getting two pumpkins from your plantings, I know how that can be... Happy Halloween Kim-have fun:@)

  3. That owl is darling, Kim. I can't believe how cute Josie is-I think she gets cuter by the day!

    If there is a judged contest at school I bet the OWL wins!!! xo Diana

  4. what a cutie! (josie that is!) and I like the owl too! lol!
    two more days...

  5. I am so loving owls this year...and last...and the year before. They are so cute and wise. Your daughter's pumpkin owl is a winner to be sure.

  6. Josie looks so happy and sweet! And everyone loves Mr. Owl! He's frighteningly fierce! Have fun! Hugs, Diane

  7. Awww that is so cute! Leave it to you to come up with something admirable! Maggie

  8. Oh my goodness, how adorable you two! Great job!

  9. Love the first photo - Josie is so cute with her pumpkin!

  10. It's so cute! Great job on the owl. Our pumpkins grew in the compost pile which is one foot from the groundhog den. They had a field day chewing on every single large pumpkin we had :(

  11. Happy Almost Halloween to you!
    It's been a LONG, LONG, time since I've done any blog visiting. Life is crazy, busy these days.
    I know you are enjoying this month of October getting ready for Halloween!

  12. Great job Josie and you did! How fun they are displayed in the library too.

    I bet you are still recuperating from your party. Happy Halloween!

  13. Adorable Owl and Josie!! We grew pumpkins one year -- they took over our entire back yard -- Mr. Tennis was not happy! ;) Have a fun day and Happy Halloween!

  14. So cute!
    Both . . .
    Josie . . . first . . .
    Ms Owl second . . .

  15. What an adorable owl. Josie looks so proud!

  16. Cute pumpkin! We only had two pumpkins in our garden too!


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