October 5, 2014

New/Old Halloween collections...

Did you have a good weekend? It always goes by so quickly.  We hit a couple of estate sales in between lots and lots of Halloween decorating.
We really do use our record player and I was happy to find a Halloween records. 
The backside of the records are just as much fun as the music.
 I also found a brittle devil mask and a few honeycombs to add to my collection.
 A few more gurley candles were also scooped up. 
Unfortunately, the weather was extremely cold and rainy this weekend (highs in the upper 40s).
 Not the perfect conditions for Josie's elementary school road run but they made the most of it (even when it hailed).
 The weather was didn't clear up in time for Emma's marching band competition to play outside, but we enjoyed their amazing sound indoors. Their band is so large, I didn't fit them all in my camera shot.
The highlight of the weekend was getting my sunroom decorated.
This is only the beginning!  

Have a wonderful week!


  1. You and Viv have the best decoratio
    ns for Halloween. I love seeing them.

  2. More of that sun room please.
    Geez- crazy weather for Josie and those poor kids ran in hail and sleet and rain and ....well, they are preparing to work in the post office later in their careers, I guess! lol

    Debby has that right- you and that Viv would be a scary pair working together. xo Diana

  3. Sounds like the weather wanted to make one cozy up inside but your schedule didn't allow that! Glad you got made a dent in the decorating...enjoying seeing it come together.

  4. I wish we had some of your cooler weather - it's been like 100 around here.

    Your Halloween decorating is looking amazing! :)

  5. Do the Mash... Lets do the Monster Mash.

    Chris =]

  6. I think I remember that Casper record! I agree with Ms. Diana - we need much more of the sunroom. Much much more!

  7. I love the old records! (I say old but think they were around when was a kid???-ugh) The sunroom looks great Kim! It was a very cool and fall-like Sunday here too:@)

  8. I remember those masks. Sometimes that's all we bought and then had to put together the cape or costume on our own! lol Love your sunroom and pics of the kid's activities! Hope the sun comes out this week! Hugs, Diane

  9. Love your sunroom too! Wow -- you are really getting everything ready!! That marching band is amazing -- so cool!! Hope you have a good week!

  10. Wow, I would love to see that band in person! Your decorating looks wonderful!!

  11. Love all your decorations!! It's really looking like Halloween at your house!! So cute!! I wish we had as many estate sales around here as you do! ;) Love your new things!! Our weather was just about the same this weekend! Happy decorating! xo Holly

  12. Wow, you outdo yourself each year on the Halloween decor! Your goodies are so fun, love the cute candles! Can't believe you had hail, it was so cold here too over the weekend! Just last Monday, it was almost 80 degrees!

  13. Gotta love those weekends! More, more of your Halloween decor please. :)

    So love your "batty" lantern. Please tell me it's new so I can find one.

    Ugh, we had that cold our last day of camping. Looks like it didn't slow down Josie or Emma!

  14. Cold here too! Love your sunroom all decked out for Halloween fun!
    Nice finds, like always.

  15. wish we lived near by.. I want to come sip apple cider and eat donuts in your sunroom!
    happy week!

  16. Another great sale! I have only ever been at one garage/estate sale where I got Gurley candles. Congratulations to Josie and Emma on their participation in two fine events. The house looks amazing! But I knew it would! Maggie

  17. How fun! Love Luv love all the Halloween decorations. What great collections you must have! I enjoy decorating for Halloween, too! And blogging about it ♥

  18. Kim,
    You fit so much into your weekends that it is amazing!!

    LOVE the Halloween decorations!!



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