October 21, 2014

Pumpkin comparisons...

In years past, we had a favorite farmer that we purchased our stash of pumpkins. Going to his pumpkin patch became an annual tradition and a great opportunity to document growth of the girls over the last 12 months. I just have to share a flashback from 2010. 
Our regular farmer is no longer selling pumpkins and so this year, my annual Halloween "sister" picture was taken at our zoo Halloween party. 
I can't believe how quickly time has flown by.  Emma isn't a little girl anymore.   You'll be happy to know that Chris has found a new pumpkin dealer to feed his pumpkin addiction.  This is only a portion of of his stash. 
He will be pulling an all nighter Thursday to carve his 20+ pumpkins in time for Friday's party.

Party ON!


  1. Love to see the daily happenings with the party...we are counting down to Family Day 33 which is Oct. 28th. How can someone so young have a kid that old!?!? She is a beautiful Mommy of three now and yesterday she was Josie's size!

  2. I always love seeing how you guys "do Halloween"! They do grow up quickly!

  3. Yes, they do grow up so fast...
    Cute photos! and nice pumpkins :)

  4. what a great way to keep track of the girls growth. They are both such lovely ladies.

  5. cute pics! Emma looks tall! Im not carving pumpkins this year. I didnt last year either. I know, can you believe that? I have lots of pumpkins, but I want them to last til thanksgiving.. well, we'll see if they do. some might, some might not.
    have a great week. wish I was coming to your party.

  6. I love those pictures of Halloweens past. Look how much the girls have changed! They are growing up way too fast!

    Happy carving to your hubby tomorrow. That's a whole lotta pumpkins to carve in a night! lol xo Diana

  7. Aw. Your girls are so sweet.
    Love ALL of your pumpkins, real and plastic!
    Wish I could make it to your party! They always look so fun!

  8. Whoa, that is some carving stamina Chris has! Of course you will show them to us? :)

    The girls are so cute, both now and then. Have fun!

  9. Great picture Kim. They are both growing up so fast!!! Beautiful girls.

  10. They are always your babies no matter how old they get 😊so excited to see all your party pics. You guys do an amazing job. I enjoy seeing the pumpkins he carves. Hugs! Maggie

  11. Well that's good, he can't not carve.
    Party on Garth!(Chris)

    Chris =]

  12. Nice pic of the girls and I love both "boos" shown in the pics-have fun:@)

  13. That's a lot of pumpkins to carve! The poor guy's wrist is going to get cramped. I'm sure he enjoys it though :)

  14. Wow -- he is a master pumpkin carver, isn't he! Very cool! Love your flashback photo!

  15. It's so much fun seeing how the girls grow up from year to year! Wow, Chris has quite the pumpkin haul. You guys don't do Halloween in a small way:)

  16. 20 pumpkins is a lot!! Love the Boo one! The girls are so cute!! Happy Wednesday and happy carving tomorrow! xo Holly

  17. Good luck with your pumpkin-carving! I don't envy you at all- my husband's the pumpkin-carver at our house. I'm just not interested in all the work!! Love the photos of the girls. I also love to take photos in the same place year to year and compare. It's fun to see the changes, but a little sad as well...!

  18. Now you need to do a "costume parade" post...lol!

  19. I love seeing your pretty girls. Have a great party.

  20. No little girls anymore, they are both growing up.
    Love all the pumpkin stash . . . really, he will carve them all?

  21. It's really been fun to see the girls grow up as we blog. Sometimes I feel like an honorary Aunt! They are both so beautiful and sweet through and through! Enjoy this special time and holiday! Sweet hugs, Diane

  22. 778Thank you SO much for your blog. I really enjoy how nicely you decorate. It is very nice to see such a beautiful, loving family! Thank you for sharing. Your blog always brightens my day and inspires me to get going on my decorating for each holiday. I LOVE your great decorations and your love for them. It was a wonderful time and I, like you, cherish things from the past. Thank you! M.G.

  23. 20 pumpkins to carve! Boy Howdy! I just love hearing about your sweet family!


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