October 19, 2014

Weekend cramming!

How was your weekend?  Our's was nonstop busy.

Emma spent most of her weekend busy with marching band obligations.  I think most people would be surprised to know just how long they practice for their very late competitions each weekend. It's not uncommon for these students to be gone for 12 hours on Saturdays.

 We're so proud of the Grandville marching band!
We're on the final countdown to this Friday's Halloween party and we made the most of every available minute this weekend starting with testing the on-loan" popcorn machine.
 Josie and I also enjoyed a little paper crafting early Saturday morning.
This craft was a big hit with Josie, but it does require adult assistance with the stapler.
 We've had fun decorating the ceiling of the sunroom this year. 
The ladders were also temporarily moved back inside so that a few large spiders could inhibit our living room.
The "official" Halloween bunting was also hung with care.
One of the best parts of decorating is unpacking things that I purchased last year after Halloween on clearance.  
I seem to have a thing for black cats and candy treat bags!
I'm not sure if there are child labor laws against paint brick laying, but it turned into a family affair Sunday afternoon.  
We will be sharing the big garage transformation later this week.  It needs a bit more dry time. Have a great week!  The Halloween countdown continues at our house!


  1. No doubt this will be a busy but exciting week Kim-have fun:@)

  2. so much work! so much Fun! I love that you all work together to get it done. the preparations are 3/4's of the fun. dont you think? love seeing all the pics.
    have a great day my friend

  3. Your decorations just amaze me, Kim. I love it all and really do wish I could see it up close and personal. What fun...not sure WHAT the child labor laws are there...here...you pay in hugs, love and treats! lol xo Diana

  4. Our kids sure keep us busy! All with great things! I admire Emma's dedication. How wonderful! The party will be great! Take it easy this week so you enjoy the prep as much as the party. Maggie

  5. Wow -- your Halloween decorations look so good and scary already! Am sure marching band takes up a ton of time -- so cool! Way to go Emma and bandmates!

  6. Your house is looking pretty darn festive, but I think you may need an exterminator for your living room :)

  7. You added the sun room this year! It looks great and that huge spider on the pop-corn machine, wow~ Everybody is going to have so much fun.

  8. A fun and busy weekend!! Cute paper pumpkins!! Have a great week! xo Heather

  9. Busy busy!! Everything looks so great Kim!! I was just telling my mom about all your fantastic decorations!! :) Cute paper pumpkins you girls made! Have a great week!! xo Holly

  10. So spooky cool! Love the dungeon painting, very clever. The big spiders ars so creepy, it all looks great.

    Glad to hear Emma's band is doing so well, but wow they are really working those kids! Josie looks very pleased with her sweet paper pumpkins.

    Party on! :)

  11. So much fun to see all your plans. Looking forward to the garage reveal!

  12. Holy cow! I can't believe how much decorating you got done last weekend! Your party will be here soon!

    Way to go, Emma! She is one dedicated gal!

    I am asking Santa to bring us a popcorn machine like that this year. We borrow our neighbor's machine for almost every party now so we really need our own.

    Love the pumpkin craft! So cute!

    Hope you have a great week!

  13. You guys are so much fun! Adore all your enthusiasm and decorating. Can't wait to see photos from your party.

    I'm having a small GIVEAWAY, please stop by.

    Happy spooky lead up week!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.