January 30, 2015

Friday phone dump...

Whooo hoooo! It's finally Friday! 
I've officially stopped taking any photos with our real camera since getting into Instagram and my iPhone is so full of pics, that I keep having to delete 1 or 2 to squeak in a few more pics.
I really do need to dump all my photos and back them up before my iPhone ends up in a snow bank or run over by a pair of ice skates.  
One of my projects this week was to convert my Christmas window boxes into Valentine window boxes!   I'm such a dork, but I can't stand bare window boxes.

In other news, Josie had her annual cardiology appt and we're happy to report that she won't have to go back to see her cardiologist for two years!

We're still feeling hopeful her valve replacement surgery can be pushed out until her teenage years!  Yippee!

I hope everyone has a fun and relaxing weekend!


  1. Wonderful news about Josie❤that's the type of news worth celebrating. I love yoyr window boxes! Better get some clicer soon for St Patrick's Day! Maggie

  2. Good Morning my friend! such good news for Josie. Im hoping with you, that that surgery can wait. Your ice rink looks so inviting! If only we lived closer and I wasnt so UNGRACEFUL!! I would surely break something! But it would definitely be good for a few laughs.. we'd surely be rolling around on the ice laughing our butts off if you had to teach me to ice skate! just picture it! LOL!
    have a great day my friend... Im off very soon to meet my new little grandpie this morning.. surgery scheduled for 9:30! woohoo!!

  3. I love the window box! Glad to hear Josie is doing so well! Happy Super Bowl Weekend:@)

  4. Yay for Josie! Glad to hear that everything went well at her appointment. My window boxes are bare right now and you've got me thinking that needs to be taken care of! :-)


  5. Great news on Josie! Your window boxes and so pretty and festive, can see why you keep them decorated.

    Just got a memory stick thingy to get the photos out of my phone. Have a great weekend!

  6. I bet that was really great news for Josie. We take so much for granted, until we hear of things like this, that ordinary kids have to deal with. It would be wonderful if surgery could be postponed. What a cute kid. Love the skating photo!

  7. Hooray for Josie!!! Love your window boxes and you are NOT a dork!
    Cute new banner! :)
    Happy weekend!

  8. Great news about Josie..HURRAY! I have been eyeballing my studio window boxes as they need a little TLC. I am leaning towards some bright pink primroses..but we don't have your snow.
    happy day

  9. Love those adorable window boxes! May have to try and copy you! :) Happy to hear about Josie and the cardiologist appt! Such a sweet girl!!

  10. You are making me want to build some window boxes this spring. Basically just so I will have another place to decorate for the holidays :) Glad the appointment went well for Josie. That's fantastic news!

  11. So glad to hear Josie got good news, new noninvasive techniques coming down the road all the time, hope she will benefit! You guys need to add a luge to your winter park ... I will be planning a visit when its completed :)

  12. That's great news for Josie. She is so cute and looks very healthy.
    Love that skating rink. I never could skate.
    Yes, you do have the same Paddington.

  13. Kim,
    Such good news about Josie! Love the ice skating rink, what fun! I've never Ice skated only roller skates ( being a Florida girl ) Seems a little bit scary, like you could break something you need later, if you know what I mean!! :-) Have a wonderful weekend
    sugar, spice and whatever's nice

  14. The skating rink looks like delight . . .
    Happy news about Josie . . .
    Looks like Paddington Bear made an impression on someone . . .
    (I need to back up and dump too!)

  15. Great news about Josie's clean bill of health...she is growing up so quickly and is such a lovely girl.

    Love your Valentine window boxes...now why haven't I ever thought of that, they are so cute!

  16. Your new header is so cute! Ice skating just looks so fun, especially at night under the Christmas lights! Super news about Josie- what a strong girl!!!

  17. Yeah for Josie and you too. Love the pic of the cat looking all cozy in the chair.
    Chris =]

  18. What a beautiful child and how blessed she is to have you.

  19. Friday phone dumps are my fav! So many cute pictures! I especially love the flower boxes all decked out for V-Day!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.