March 16, 2015

Happy 7 Years!!

On March 16, 2008, we were in Nanchang China and officially became a family of four. 

 We've been blessed beyond measure with our two daughters. 

This may seem silly, but Emma wore this pink shirt while we were in China and Josie now fits into it.  I can't believe how quickly time has passed!

 Happy 7 year forever family anniversary!

The power of adoption is a beautiful thing.

PS.  Sunday evening, we broke our backyard ice skating record.

 The girls were on our backyard ice rink at 7:40pm  March 15th.  That's two days longer than 2014.  We're officially ready for spring!


  1. Happy forever day~how time flies!
    Wonderful pictures~wonderful family!
    Have a terrific day~hugs!

  2. Happy Forever Family DAy!! so what will you do to celebrate today? I know you'll have something special up your sleeve. You are blessed my friend. and its good that you know that.
    have a great day!!

  3. Happy 7 years to a beautiful family! Maggie

  4. Congrats on this absolutely wonderful anniversary!


  5. His very wonderful!
    Happy Day!

  6. Happy family forever anniversary! Lots of love in this sweet post. Woohoo for a new ice rink record! C'mon spring, my daffodils are almost ready fo bloom.

  7. Happy times for your sweet family. The years fly by....have fun loving each other. Sweet hugs, Diane

  8. Congrats and Happy Family Day! You have a beautiful family! The girls were so adorable together! Time does fly! Adoption is so special! xoxo

  9. Wonderful anniversary celebration! Seven years? Time goes by quickly! xo Nellie

  10. Happy 7 years, Kim. She is as beautiful today as ever...and so are you! What a blessing to have been able to adopt sweet little Josie. xo Diana

  11. Happy Anniversary! I'm not sure whether to be happy about the ice skating rink still being in service or not :)

  12. Happy Gotcha Day! You have the most fun family. Josie was meant to be yours!!

  13. Congrats on the 7 years! I can tell that there is an abundance of love going on over there and I so enjoy seeing it all in your posts. Happy Forever Family Day!
    Sending hugs,

  14. I love seeing the girls in their Redwings gear! While I'm sure it was fun to break the record for the skating rink, I'm also sure everyone is ready for spring! Happy Anny-enjoy:@)

  15. You have a wonderful family!!

  16. Wow, I can't believe it's been 7 years already, Kim! Josie has grown up to be a wonderful young girl, and so full of life! Happy Anniversary to you all!

  17. Happy forever family day! You are sooo blessed! Adoption is such an amazing way to grow a family!

  18. Your dreams came true! I just LOVE watching your little family. You are an amazing mother and a blessing to know. Happy Anniversary to you all! Thank you so much for sharing your family with us!

  19. OH HAPPY, HAPPY,FOREVER FAMILY DAY !!Both of your girls are so precious and time flies by so quickly - hug them and love them and cherish every little moment, as I know you do !! Have a lovely and blessed week Kim :-)
    sugar, spice and whatever's nice

  20. Such a happy and momentous day! I loved seeing this retrospective, you are a beautiful and inspiring family! (I do hope that rink is closed up soon!)

  21. Love the pics!...and the ice skating!

  22. What a wonderful, wonderful day to celebrate- probably even more special than a real birthday! I love that you saved that shirt- I'm such a sucker for sentimental things like that. Congrats to your family on such a wonderful day (a day late!).

  23. Happy 7 years (and a couple days) to a lovely family of four! Your girls are always so cute and pretty! They are very lucky to have you as a mommy! Ready for spring here too! :) Have a great day! Happy St. Patty's day!! xo Holly

  24. I didn't know you had a blog! You are one of my favorite IG accounts, so it's so lovely to see more of your photos and I always love adoption stories. My husband and I have always considered adoption and discuss it being something we'd love to eventually do. Thank you for sharing!

  25. Beautiful family! Happy Anniversary! :)


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