March 13, 2015

We have water!!!

With our lovely week of 40 and 50 degree temps, we have running water again at the A-frame!!!
Chris took a trip midweek to check on the frozen pipes and while he was there, he hung a stair railing made out of a rowing oar.  
Doesn't it look fabulous?  
Let the relaxing weekend BEGIN!


  1. sweet idea! I do really like that husband of yours! lol! And your little header on your blog is too stinking sweet too!
    Enjoy your weekend... I know you will!

  2. Whoooo Hoooooo! I am so glad you didn't have any broken pipes or anything. You will have to do a low-temp heat wrap, I suppose. We had to do that on the old farmhouse. xo Diana

  3. Oh...the oar is perfect. You have such a nice summer to look forward to!

  4. Great news! Back to cabin fun! Maggie

  5. I love that Easter header! Great idea for that oar! So wonderful to have water there again, and the week-end is upon us! Enjoy! xo Nellie

  6. Yea! So happy the pipes didn't burst and wreck havoc on your little A frame getaway. Have fun!

  7. Oh my goodness your new little header is adorable. Is that a doll house. Love the table and chairs.
    Glad the water is fixed and you can go and enjoy.
    You know how I have cottage envy. Well the little lake where we had our cottage is in danger. I guess the dam is failing. The cot to fix it is over 300 million dollars. They want the state to pay for it. What state has that kind of money. So they are saying that they might have to drain the lake. That would be terrible. But so would a flooded out city.
    Okay, I mailed your package today but don't get excited. When I got home and checked the receipt for the 9 packages I mailed, it doesn't show your package. It shows two going to the same place in MS. I went to tracking and both are on their way. One is supposed to arrive tomorrow and the other one on Monday. On my slip of paper that I copied the addresses down the MS address was above yours. I know I wrote your name on it. Who knows what street. So I am thinking that it isn't going to get to you. So if by Wednesday it hasn't gotten to you, I will mail you mine. I'm a fruitcake these days. HUGS

  8. Kim,
    Yeah! Warmer temps have finally found you, I know you must be ever so happy! Glad to know your pipes were OK - love the oar rail!
    Handy husbands are the best, aren't they? Have a blessed and relaxed weekend ;-)
    sugar, spice and whatever's nice

  9. Isn't it nice that it's finally warming up a bit! Enjoy your weekend:@)

  10. Let's hear it for running water! The oar makes a perfect railing and looks great. Love your header.

    Happy Weekend! :)

  11. That is good news, Kim! I am so glad you didn't have burst pipes!

  12. Oh boy - have fun! It's warm here - for sure! I'm going to plant some seeds tomorrow, even though the ladies at the hardware store said not to. It's just hot here, especially in the desert. I should finish your package this weekend. Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. The oar looks great! Are you getting excited for the best Spring and Summer at the A-Frame, or what??? :)

  14. Aren't you happy you made that A-frame purchase . . .
    and what fun it has been making it YOURS!
    Happy weekend . . . with the water unfrozen!
    Any burst pipes?

  15. So glad your pipes are working as they should and no damage. The oar hand rail is a perfect addition. Enjoy the spring temperatures !

  16. Bring on the A Frame adventures! I can't wait!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.