May 3, 2015

B is for ...

B is for...BASEBALL (actually girl's softball)
Josie is really enjoying her softball league.  She's learning how to play all sorts of positions and we've found that she is actually quite good.
 B is for...BASS FISHING
On Friday night, we made a quick trip to the A-frame and  Josie even caught her first bass of 2015 from our dock!
On Saturday, we spent the entire day at our house getting the yard under control from winter.  Hours later, the back woods is now clear of leaves and brush.  
My gnome family also enjoyed some spring cleaning and their little gnome house has a few more solar powered toadstool lights.  I just love this little house so much.
B is for...BAND
On Sunday, Emma received her varsity letter for high school band.  I can't believe my baby is going to be a senior next year!  We're so proud of her.
B is for...BLOOMS
My University office is buried behind these gorgeous blooms right now.  If I have to be stuck inside, it's not a bad view to have!  Have a great week ahead, friends!


  1. Emma a senior . . . wow!
    And Josie a baseball star . . . wow twice!
    The trees are popping overnight here . . .
    Yay . . . it has ARRIVED!
    Does Emma have college choices/plans yet?

  2. Josie looks cute as a catcher. When our youngest caught a really big fish my husband had it mounted. He was always taking it off the wall. Well, our dog ate it. Yuck.
    The girls are so pretty. This coming year will be a fun year. It's a busy time.
    Love your gnomes. I need some fairy lights.

  3. These days are truly happy ones! Your girls are just precious. I love your fairy home and twinkly lights!

  4. Sounds like you had a great weekend! Mrs. Gnome always cracks me up:@)

  5. lovely lovely lovely days!!!! baseball, yardwork, fishing and fresh spring air... ahhhhhh!
    have a great week Kim!

  6. Such a busy time of year, isn't it! Lots going on with the kids, garden work to do, etc. Love that little gnome house with its lights and cute gnomes!

  7. Sounds like loads of fun going on there -- and seriously -- Emma a senior!?!!! Congrats to her and your cute Josie -- first fish! Way to go! Hope you have a great week!

  8. Love all the "B's" Such happy spring days!! I just love when the weather starts turning!! Your gnomes are looking so cute too!! :) Happy Monday! xo Holly

  9. B is for a lot of special things at your place this month! Nice to have a lovely view since you have to be at the office. Is the water where you fish safe, or is it polluted? We've been unable to eat the fish caught in our nearby lake for years due to its pollution level. xo Nellie

  10. B is for you Birthday Month!!

  11. It sounds like another series of great events from baseball to varsity letters. What a great time had by all. Love your little gnomes they are almost as cute as Josie...but not quite.

  12. Where did you find the toadstool lights, Kim? Those are adorable.

  13. What wonderful things to be thankful for! Your gnome house just makes me smile. I so wish my kids could do t-ball/baseball, but there are no leagues close enough for us!

  14. Wow! How time flys and our children grow up. You have been one busy gal my dear.
    Hope you have a great week too.

  15. Love this B post! Kamree is enjoying softball too and I know we will both enjoy many summer nights watching our girls in action!

  16. And B is for and your family. It's also for Blessings--and we have so many! Happy Mother's Day! Love you! Maggie


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