December 30, 2015

Saying goodbye...

Although I cut back way back on blogging and staying on top of reading blogs, thank you so much for stopping by throughout the year. 

Thank you for saying hello or for just being a silent observer.
Thank you for letting me show off pictures of the girls, my latest crafting endeavors, playing with my dollhouses, decorating for Halloween, my quest for the perfect vintage item, or our obsession with remodeling our Aframe cottage,

It's so nice to "meet" so many wonderful people from all over the world that share my same interests. 

Thank you! I am truly inspired by all of you!
Happy New Year and Goodbye 2015.


  1. Happy 2016. May you be blessed in all that you do.

    Happy New Year

  2. We are so inspired by you and your wonderful sense of decorating and your awesome collections. Happy New Year to you and yours!

  3. You scared me for a minute! I thought you were saying goodbye to blogging and I would miss you so much! Happy New Year to you and your family and may 2016 bring more wonderful adventures your way! Love, Margaret

  4. I also thought that you were going to stop blogging...
    HAPPY NEW YEAR to you!

  5. Happy New Year Kim-have fun:@)

  6. Woah -- I was also afraid you were saying goodbye to the blog!! Have also cut way down, but I always, always, always read yours and enjoy seeing your sweet girls and activities! Happy New Year!!

  7. Sweet post! Happy New Year to you and your family. Hugs, Pam

  8. Hi Kim, thanks so much for a year of wonderful blogging! I always look forward to seeing what you have been up to. Wishing you and your beautiful family a blessed 2015!

  9. Hi, Kim! I've also cut way back on blogging and my time on Blogger. It is always a pleasure to see what you have for us to enjoy. I send the best of wishes to you and your family for a happy, healthy 2016! xo Nellie

  10. Thanks for sharing all your adventures, always look forward to seeing what you and the family are up to, I can't believe how big your girls have gotten since I first started following you a few years ago !! Happy New Year XO Elaine

  11. Happy New Year Kim.Looking forward to seeing what you are up to in 2016.

  12. I thought you were saying GOODBYE . . . too . . .
    And then when I couldn't open you on Bloglovin I got really worried so I "googled you" . . .
    Whew . . . happy you are still here.
    I totally "get it" though . . .
    The pace of this social media "stuff" is something we need to observe, consider, weigh, decide.
    Happy you were just saying goodbye to 2015 . . .
    At least I think that was your message . . .
    Happy New Year Kim!

  13. You have to promise us Kim - you won't ever say "good-bye" - you are such an inspiration to me - not just your decorating, but your heart. Your love for you family and the sweet parties you plan are just wonderful. That alone makes me consider moving to CO near my grandkids. I would love to have fun parties for them!

  14. You scared me too! I love your blog & when ever you can post is appreciated! Thanks
    Happy new year!

  15. Thank you for posting all your awesomeness here and on IG. I love following along with your family and your escapades. On to a fun 2016!

  16. When I saw the title, it scared me, too! Glad to hear you were just saying good-bye to 2015! I enjoy reading your blog.

    xo Dianne

  17. Truly the connection made in blogland are just amazing. Looking forward to sharing 2016 with you and your family. Happy day and happy new year!

  18. Hope you have a Happy New Year too!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.