March 3, 2016

Welcome March!

March certainly came in like a lion in West MI.  We had another snow storm on Tuesday with enough snow that the girls got a snow day and my university canceled night classes.   

Rumor has it, that we will see a drastic warm-up next week and we may actually see temperatures in the 60s!
I'm not really complaining though.  It's been fairly mild winter compared to last year.

Last weekend,we went to Grand Haven to see Lake MI. It was windy and cold and incredibly beautiful!  

Earlier this week, I started bringing upstairs a few Easter cuties that live year-round in my craft room.

I'll probably start decorating the Easter tree in my sunroom soon.

Have a great weekend, friends.

Happy playing!  Happy decorating!


  1. Since March came in like that, it can only improve, right! :) Our temps are going up and down and down, but higher temps forecast here too! So ready for spring! Hope your spring and warm weather will be there soon!

  2. Oh wow Kim, you guys DID get a lot of snow! By the way, I like your header photo. The wintry lake photos are just beautiful, makes me feel cold though! I totally adore the rabbit postcard vignette, very cute!
    Happy March to you! It will get better my dear! :) And can't wait to see more of your wonderful Easter decorating!

  3. Haha! I remember those winter Marches in Michigan. It can only get better!

  4. Your photos of the lake are amazing! Although they make me want to throw on extra scarf on and a pair of mittens. Stay warm!

  5. Pretty snow...I do hope the warmer weather comes and stays! You must have a huge collection of Easter to decorate a tree. Have FUN!

  6. I can'r believe you got a snow this late, but I guess in MI it happens. It sure is pretty. We're in full spring down here in TX. I love your Easter decorations and can't wait to see you pretty tree done up. Hope it warms up soon.

  7. Sounds like everyone's in for a nice warm-up. Enjoy:@)

  8. Isn't the "Big Lake" a fun visit in the winter!
    I agree . . . this winter has been milder in comparison to last.
    I am thinking and ready for some "real mild" of late . . . with some green too!

  9. That lake photo sure makes chill bumps come up on me! lol Hope you get some nice warm temps and get Spring fever. I know you love decorating! (I did some today) Hugs, Diane

  10. Brrrr, just looking at all the snow you got. We're supposed to get a little tomorrow or wintry mix, I'm over it. The lake is gorgeous. Like your Easter cuties! I have leprechauns out lol.

  11. Wow! That is a lot of snow! Hooray for a snow day too!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  12. melting over your cute little easter pieces! and I look forward to all the snow melting this coming week too!
    Im ready for real spring weather. and its sooo close! we should be hitting the 60's this next week too. I might go out and do some yard work.. well.. or just open some windows or go for a walk.. lol!
    happy Friday my friend!

  13. Kim,
    Love all your Easter goodies!! I am just taking down Valentine's Day decorations and will decorate for Easter next week when I am off for 3 days....
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  14. LOL- Your March looks like ours does. We are getting a 'few inches' of snow tonight- xo Diana


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