October 9, 2010


Strap on your best pointy shoes. Grab your favorite black cape and a cup o' steaming witch's brew and let's stroll around my house a bit... shall we? Get ready for lots of pics.

Remember this Casper board game from a previous Allegan Antique market find? It looks so festive on my sunroom shelf.

I made this potions book last year from a scrapbook that I picked up at one of my favorite thrift stores.
I then ran the pages through my computer printer and found some special spells to put on the paper. The microscope, glass tubes, key and glasses are also finds from various Allegan Antique market visits. I think Penny has been practicing spells in her spare time.

I made these glass bottles last year and put battery operated flickering lights behind the bottles to give them a greenish glow. Instructions can be found here.

I made this twiggy Halloween tree last year with vintage photos, decorative sticks and a favorite vase. Instructions can be found here.

Instructions for making those BOO candles can be found here.

Super easy. I promise.

My dining room light regularly gets a holiday make over with seasonal garland and ornaments.

My dining room hutch holds several pumpkins, owls, sunflowers and Mr. Moon.

Chris even managed to construct Miss Spider Friday night.

And...we're only getting warmed up. We have lots more crates to unpack in the garage attic. Be sure to click HERE to visit my Halloween give-away post where you can leave a comment to be entered. Even my "silent observers" are encouraged to comment.

The MI weather forecast sounds awesome this weekend. I hope you have a beautiful weekend and get a chance to do something you love!


  1. Oh my word! That giant spider rocks! You guys are soooo creative at your house! I love the lanterns too.

    It was 94 degrees here yesterday! I am not quite sure what happened to fall!

    Hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend!

  2. Love all the cool decorations. Look like things are in full holiday mode at your house. Enjoy your weekend and this great weather.

  3. I always thought I had too much Halloween until I saw all you have! Wowie!
    Visited World Market today with my coupon in hand and came away with more Halloween...alas no owl with moon but that is OK. Where would I put it? There is always upstairs...HA!
    Have a terrific weekend!

  4. Love the Halloween decorations! You are definitely talented when it comes to decorating.

  5. Everything is looking so beautiful!! Great to see Miss Spider in your lawn. Is she even bigger this year? I should talk Scott into making one for me too. I am such copy cat!!!

  6. Thanks for the recipe. I wanted to make an apple crisp, and this is exactly what I had in mind. Saved me some time looking through a bunch of recipes.
    Hope to make it sometime this week.

  7. I think you Should sell tickets to your home for a once in a life time Halloween tour!!!! Your house has got to be the most festive place on earth. That Casper board game is so darling!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.