February 2, 2012

My Valentine Give-away Winner!

Drum roll please....Diane from "Lavender Dreamer" has been selected by Miss Emma (who had a special assistant...Miss Josie) to be the recipient of my Valentine give-away.

Please share your postal address and I'll get your special Valentine goodies in the mail. For everyone else, I love giving away my creations as much as I enjoy making, them so you can plan on additional give-away opportunities in the future.



  1. WOW! I just hopped on to see what was new on your blog tonight! And here I am! Thanks to these pretty girls for drawing my name! It has really made me feel special! Thank you so much! ♥

  2. Congratulations to you Diane. She is always such a sweet follower. Kim you have outdone yourself here with these Valentines....great job Josie....smiles...Renee

  3. Congratulations Diane!!! you are going to love Kim's Valentines!

  4. Congrats to Diane! You have the cutest little helpers!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.