April 4, 2012

My new wheels!

I'm now the temporary owner of a knee scooter!!!

I was serious about rigging up my wicker bike basket.

I can't tell you how much happier I am. I loathed those crutches. My foot still throbs something wicked, but to have some additional mobility as well as a way to carry things, makes me so much happier.


  1. Thats so awesome! who'd a thunk? a basket on a knee scooter! now.. just dont over do it with that crazy thing!
    have a great day kim!

  2. A basket on the scooter, that makes me smile. I am glad you are able to get around better, I hope you feel some pain relief soon. Don't overdo it on your new set of wheels:)

  3. Just goes to show you can't keep a creative person down - and when they get up, they will create something practical and cute!

  4. Get out...this is fantastic. We can get out of the house now? I can see about getting a bigger basket and we can haul some really big thrifty scores in this. So glad you can move around. I was hoping I would see this this morning...smiles...Renee

  5. Yay! Good for you...way better than crutches, and the basket is perfect!

  6. Hehehe, the wicker basket is great :) Like a bike only BETTER

  7. I am so happy for you that you are now able to move around some. Just be sure you still give yourself time to recover from the trauma of surgery. xoxo

  8. So glad the scooter is working for you! I need to let my MIL know...she fractured her heel and is supposed to stay off it but crutches are hard to use, especially if you are older (85).
    We just finished Easter/Spring ribbon topiaries! Now that is something you could do in your non-ambulatory condition.
    Great time filler.
    Keep on healing...day by day! Hugs, Lee

  9. Love the basket... Love you ... get better soon...

  10. What a cleaver thing to do...yes, cruches are very uncomfortable. I hope the pain in your foot gets better soon, I know from experience how much pain is connected to foot surgery.

  11. Good for you! I love the basket-I can tell nothing will stop you! We better get out of the way now that you're mobile again.Hope the throbbing stops soon.

  12. Great idea! I got Lia a bike basket to use as her Easter basket from the Easter Bunny this year!

  13. That's great,and very cute :) Blessings

  14. Hee!hee! I love it! What a great idea, and you can never go wrong with wicker! :)

  15. I love it- but I hope you are soon to the point where you don't need it. I think you should wire some Spring flowers to that little sucker! xo Diana

  16. Love it! I remember when I had foot surgery - ohhh those stupid crutches - I'm so glad you have an easier way to get around - praying the throbbing gets better and you heal quickly!

  17. So glad this is working, and I love the basket on the front! Too cute! Happy Easter Kim!!!!

  18. Hey don't you need a license for those thingy's....ha ha. I've almost been run over by people with those things. It's amazing how people lose their manners when they think everyone should move the world for them cause they're injured. I always tried to stay out of everyone's way, however I do get really ticked when someone parks in a handicap parking spot illegally. I've been known to hunt them down and chew them out. If you haven't already, please remember to get a temporary handicap placard with a form from your doctor. It will save you ton's of aggravation while out and about.

    Love the basket....I'm waiting to see what else you attach to your wheels.


  19. Perfect!
    The wicker basket is the perfect touch!

  20. so glad you were able to find something that works better for you, my friend. happy you're feeling better, too.

    have a wonderful easter, miss kim.

  21. That looks so much easier to use than crutches. And stylish too!

  22. You need a horn on that thing to warn the family when you are coming. Sending prayers for continued healing and safety on your new wheels.

  23. Love love love your basket! Hope you are pain free soon!

  24. Have you tried to pop a wheelie with that thing yet? ;-)
    Hope you are feeling better very soon!

  25. What a great idea! Just don't get in any races...take it easy! Let everyone pass you!


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