September 9, 2012

A shadow conversation with Josie...

This conversation took place before bed Saturday evening.
Josie:  "Mom, do you like shadows?"
Kim:  "Yes.  I like shadows."
Josie:  "I think shadows are Aunt Jean and Nana following us around."  I definitely like shadows."


 Have a beautiful week.  Hug your loved ones. 


  1. I love Josie's shadows. I have told that to several people already. Love Aunt Marian

  2. From the mouths of babes...suddenly, that first picture makes her look like she is getting her big girl face! Oh no!

  3. What a sweet conversation! Adorable pictures too!

    Hope you have a great week!

  4. So sweet and precious are Miss Josie's shadows! Love these photos of your pretty girls! xo Heather

  5. I see someone else took my comment right out of my mouth...
    "From the mouths of babes".
    I don't know what you beleive but they always say that children are more susceptible to seeing "things" and then when we get older, we lose that ability. Maybe Josie knows more than she is letting on.....
    Ooooh... to be a child and have that wonderful innocence again...


  6. She is so precious! And your girls are both just beautiful!
    have a great week

  7. Absolutely adorable, I love shadows too and even more after reading this post. Have a great week, lovely photos of the girls,

  8. So sweet -- love this and your photos of your beautiful girls!

  9. that is so sweet! Love the pictures!

  10. Oh-I love the way her sweet little mind works. I think she is right!!! xo Diana

  11. That is so precious. I will never look at shadows again the same way. Hugs to you all.

  12. What a wonderful way Josie has of remembering loved ones who have passed!

    Have a good day, Kim!

    xo Nellie

  13. Brividi di emozione per le parole di Josie, sentimenti bellissimi nel suo piccolo cuore!

  14. Hi Kim,
    I thought of you this weekend as I picked up my copy of Martha's Halloween magazine.

    I will hear the word or see a shadow in the same way. Isn't it sad that we loose these kind of insights when we age?!? Sweet, very sweet!

    I love estate sales, and have been to two since school started again. I like to hit the 50% off day. At one, I found a basket full of vintage doll clothes, and some Holly Hobby plates. Between you and K.J., both of you have me reliving my childhood with H.H., The Wizard of Oz, and Little House.

    I hope to get some posts up soon, and we should find out about Chris's job this week. Please keep praying!

    Emma and Josie are beauties!

    Many soon-to-be fall hugs,

  15. Awwwww.. that is just too cute! I love the thought of the shadows being our loved ones.



  16. Oh sweet little Miss Josie!
    Great photos of your adorable girls!

  17. They are both just so beautiful! Sweet conversation with Josie. My grandfather (the kids' great-grandfather) died last week- I should suggest that comforting thought to the kids!

  18. Miss Josie I love your shadows. What a beautiful thought. Thank you for letting us know. Smiles...Renee

  19. Don't you just love a child's perspective? When my MIL passed away our oldest was 5 years old...she said she was sure heaven was the best place for grandmother, she didn't even need to take her eye glasses! Your girls are just lovely, thank you for sharing!!

    Best chris


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