September 12, 2012

Halloween friends...

This post is inspired by My Vintage Mending.  You need to go visit Renee's latest blog post (lots of amazing eye candy). After the girls are in bed, I've been busy playing in my craft room in preparation for a couple of Halloween swaps sponsored by Viv.

A few of my Halloween friends have been keeping a watchful eye on my new creations.  

I'm even making a few extra Halloween treats to share in a future no-strings attached give-away.

 Anyone that has followed me for awhile, knows that Halloween is our family's BIGGEST holiday.  I simply can't get enough orange and black and I'm eager to share a few things with my blogging friends.  Halloween hugs!


  1. Love it so far....can't wait to see more, Kim! I knew you were a Halloweeny kinda gal- xo Diana

  2. Dominos of course...I never thought to do those...So beautiful...smiles...Renee

  3. Oh, I love it all!! Such Halloween prettiness!! You my dear are so creative and talented!! xo Heather

  4. It's looking good. I can't wait to see your Halloween tree. I've gotta get going on Halloween!

  5. So many cute things Kim! And what a good idea to use dominos for the base on some things! Perfect!
    Keep having fun creating!
    Erica :)

  6. I just Saw Renee's post, you are both such amazing paper crafters , all the use of texture and layers, the final creation has such a lovely dimensional quality, you make me look at pipe cleaners and crepe in a whole new way. Happy crafting!

  7. Love your Halloween posts!!! :)

  8. halloween!! I get so darn excited about all that halloween crafting I can barely contain myself! I did peek at your wonderful awesome ornies! and you sure did send a lot of stuff for everyone!
    I decorated my office at work this week! I really have to use a lot of self control not to go overboard there..... but I find myself sitting at my desk thinking.. "Oh, I should do this.. or this.. or make this or put something there... or.. etc..."
    but really.. no.. there is already a lot in there and people think I'm a fruit cake already!
    have a great day!

  9. Oh My Goodness! I had my face as close as possible to my computer screen trying to take in all that fun Halloween goodness! We are a Halloween family too, and love decorating for the holiday.

    Your swap partner is going to be delighted!



  10. You do the cutest crafts for Halloween. Love that hairy spider.

  11. You make Halloween into one of the cutest holidays ever!

  12. Can't wait to see your over-the-top Halloween decor this year! You do an amazing job!

  13. Oh cute -- Miss M has already thought of two costumes -- hope she decides soon -- it will be here before you know it! Happy thursday!!

  14. What an amazing Halloween collection! Thank you for your visits to my blog, Kim!

    xo Nellie

  15. Halloween is not my thing, so I just look at your decorations. :) You are so creative and talented.

  16. What fun that you get to play in your own room and make such adorable and fun creations!
    So cute!

  17. Bring on the orange and black! We love, love, love Halloween too!

    Happy crafting! Can't wait to see more!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.