January 24, 2013

Making up for lost time...

The cold temperatures arrived on Sunday and it's been snowing ever since.
Chris measured the snow in our yard and in some areas it is 12 inches.

 It's actually been too cold to ice skate, but the view sure is gorgeous from our sunroom windows.

Welcome winter!  We've been waiting for you!


  1. Wow -- that's a lot of snow!! Ours melted during a quick warm up and now we're back in the deep freeze! Someone is praying for snow and a snow day! Happy Thursday!

  2. your so cute...welcoming winter like that! I wish I was as welcoming as you! but Im on the other end.. saying ok.. dont be overstaying your welcome.. hurry up and get out of here! LOL!
    but of course, I dont have an ice rink in my yard! lol.. and really, I still dont have any good winter boots... Im going to have to break down and get some now, arent I?
    Ok, so honestly... I will admit that it is quite beautiful outside and it just makes me love being inside in my tiny little cottage!
    have a great thursday Kimmie, and woohoo.. its almost friday again!

  3. Beautiful pictures. Winter is slowly settling into Ohio but we still haven't had enough to earn a snow day!

  4. Wow, tons of snow!! It's a great view from your home!!


  5. Ditto . . . pay attention readers/commenters . . . it has been non stop snow for the past four days . . . talk about a winter wonderland . . . we have it perfectly around here!

  6. Wow, the view sure is gorgeous, Kim! Love your lanterns, they look just magical! Super cold here too, with a few inches of the glittery white stuff:)

  7. That's a lot of snow! We got 1 inch last night here in Maryland, and school was cancelled, haha...

  8. YOWZA...SNOW. What fun to look out at all the white with those pop of color lanterns glowing. Stay warm....

  9. I'm not on the welcoming committee for winter! I'll throw a going away party for it in a few months though.

  10. Such pretty snow, and I love the cute lanterns! Stay cozy! xo Heather

  11. Oh my heavens Kim...brrr...I can't do it...I'll just enjoy your pictures & take your word for it! LOL!I am running around without a jacket today in Florida! Ya'll need to come down here it's sunny & breezy & just a little cool. I'll fix you up with some sweet ice tea we'll sit on the porch & enjoy the sunshine! stay warm!....Patti M :)

  12. The snow is pretty, Kim, but does life still go on as usual where you are? Here, we would be paralyzed with that much snow.

  13. I'll send you all our extra snow~ xo Diana ps. Love your pictures-

  14. I am just a tad bit jealous of your snow! It is freakin' cold here!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  15. The high today was ABOVE zero, that was nice. A trip to the grocery store, the first big shop since Xmas and I decided 10 degrees wasn't really all that 'warm' after all! We are supposed to get snow over night which will make rush hour not so rushed!

  16. Yes, it's equally cold here! Whenever I'm sitting down I have my heating pad with me. lol I just can't shake the chills!
    Your pictures are so pretty. And at least all this cold weather gives us a good excuse to stay inside and make art, right?
    Erica :)

  17. So much snow!
    LOVE the lanterns!
    It looks like a celebration!


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