January 30, 2013

My little one is under the weather...

I haven't said anything, but Chris and I have been taking turns staying home with a sick Josie this week. 

With her heart condition, I always get a little more nervous when her lungs start sounding junky. She's finally on stronger meds from the doctor and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she actually will be well enough to enjoy the Chinese New Year festivities on Saturday.

 Even if she can't attend, I'm committed to completing my decorations and signage responsibilities (which is honestly making me a little crazy at night)!!

Emma has also promised to help me at the museum on Saturday.  She's such a good big sister.

On happier news, be sure to check back sometime Thursday.  I'm going to share a Kim K. Valentine giveaway!  Here's a sneak peek at one of the items... I even left the chocolates inside the box!



  1. Oh no...so hard to have a little one sick! Crossing my fingers she is back to her normal smiling self by Saturday!

  2. Little Josie . . . wishing you some quiet days with doctors orders so you can feel better . . . I am cheering just for you today!

  3. I came by to say "thank you" for visiting my blog and was so sorry to see that little Josie is not feeling well! Hope that she is on the way to recovery.

  4. We'll be praying for the girl here; sick little people always scared me too; little bodies usually buzzing everywhere now quiet. Take care of yourself too Musing Mama!

  5. Big hugs for Sweet Josie - hope you feel better very soon!

  6. Oh No! Get well soon, little Josie. I truly hope that she is better by Saturday, and you can all go enjoy the festivities.

  7. oh, poor Josie. I hope shes feeling better today. she is just to precious to be sick. I hope no one else gets it and that everyone is well for the cny activities! Im sending up a prayer for Josie to feel better today.
    take Care!!

  8. Oh Kim, I am so sorry to hear this. I hope it is not the flu and she bounces back quickly. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. so sorry to hear that josie's sick, kim. i'm crossing my fingers that the stronger meds do the trick.


  11. Praying Josie feels better soon! Maggie/Maggie's Lil' Fixins

  12. Oh Kim, I'm sending prayers for sweet Josie. Hope she's feeling much better already.

  13. Ahh, so sorry she's not feeling good. Hope she gets better in time to enjoy the party. The stuff going around right now is vicious.

  14. Oh, hugs go out to Josie- I hope she'd feeling better quickly! And good luck to you with all the work you're doing!!

  15. I'm sorry sweet Josie is sick, Kim! I'll be keeping her (and you, too!) in my prayers. Hoping she is well before Saturday! Hang in there:)

  16. Hoping Josie feels better soon, and can enjoy your Chinese New Year Celebration! When the kids get sick it is a worry....I have one who has asthma and even at 30 years I still worry about her! And what a sweet girl Emma is to help!


  17. Ohhhh, I hope Josie starts feeling better really soon. So hard to have a sick little one. Good luck on all the Chinese New Year stuff-I know you'll get it all done.Hang in there!

  18. Sure hope she gets to feeling better soon. No fun having a sick one. Hoe your CNY celebration goes well, we are having ours at our house next Sat. Only 4 families with 5 girls from China.

  19. I am so sorry that Josie is sick, Kim. It just tears at your heart when the little ones are sick and you can't do anything about it, doesn't it? I hope she is better for the celebration. I know how she would hate to miss that.

    Sending up a little prayer for her AND you as you finish up your project. You're a good mom! xo Diana

  20. So sorry to hear that little Josie is sick. Will keep her in my prayers! Good luck on all the signage!

  21. Awe, poor little Josie! I am sorry to hear she is sick. I hope she will be well enough for all the fun festivities coming up. We feel so bad when are little ones are sick. Prayers she is better soon!


  22. praying for your sweet little one! hope she feels much better by saturday!

  23. So sorry that your little one is sick:(
    Very sweet heart miniature that your Mom made!

  24. I'm so sorry that Josie is sick. I'm keeping her in my prayers. Sweet hugs to you both today!

  25. Kim,
    I will say a prayer that sweet little Josie is up and about real soon!!


  26. I hope she feels better. She looks just miserable. I hope that she get to go to her party.

  27. So sorry Josie is sick. I will be keeping her in my prayers for quick healing! xo Heather

  28. I am late reading this post, Kim. I truly hope Josie is recovering nicely by now. Hopefully the different medications will bring about an improvement. Hugs, Nellie

  29. I sure hope Josie is better very soon.

    And maybe, just maybe, we'll see you down at the Museum on Saturday night!

  30. I missed this post.... I pray that she will feel like her super duper self again...That big pretty smile of hers ....

  31. Poor little thing! I hope she is feeling better! It's no fun when our littles are sick...

  32. Hopefully Miss Josie is feeling better and ready for some weekend fun. I have not been feeling great this week, just lots of sinus junk, so I am happy that we finally got a snow day today so I can stay home and rest.

  33. Oh, I'm so sorry she has been so sick!
    Sweet, sweet little Miss Josie get well soon!


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