January 31, 2013

Sharing the love...a Kim K. Valentine give-away!

Thank you for all the Josie "get-better" wishes.  We can already see improvement in just 24 hours of stronger medications. 

Another sweet Valentine arrived Monday from Patti at Paintin-Patti. Aren't these little farmers absolutely darling!! 

 Glitter, flowers and a sweet couple...who could ask for more!   Thank you, Patti!

My little white Valentine tree is nice and full this year.

The precious little pink pom pom kitty was made by Viv last year.

 I've added a few more decorations using teeny tiny hoops that I scooped up from the thift store and filled with red fabric.

I'd like to share a bit of Kim K. Valentine love with a "no strings-attached" give-away.

I'm even including the gingham apron in this give-away too!

I also left the chocolates inside this Kim K. decorated Valentine box!
In case you're up to a little baking, here are a few cookie cutters.

 In order to be entered in the giveaway:
* Leave me a comment on this blog post.
That's it.
Absolutely no strings attached.

I would love for you all to become followers, but there's absolutely no pressure. This is a giveaway for the pure joy of giving back to my blogging friends!
* Entries close at 8:00pm EST Sunday, February 3rd.
* Winner will be picked randomly by one of my two girls (whoever happens to be home and eager to be my assistant).

My sweet blogging friend (Molly) of Birdie Blue is also having a lovely Valentines give-away.  Be sure to stop by.  Here's a sneak peek. 

 I am continually amazed at all of the wonderful kindred spirits here in blogland.  I feel blessed to have gotten to know so many of you!  Good luck and Valentine hugs!


  1. Well, I know Number One never wins...lol...but that is a SWEET package. I don't often sign up for giveaways but you can put my name in for this one.

    I am glad your little Josie is feeling better- I know that makes YOU feel better, too. I had one "puker" here for the day but she is home and feeling much better now.. Have a great night, Kim- xo Diana

  2. I am glad little Josie is feeling better. I already follow you. This giveaway is adorable.

  3. Glad to hear Josie is feeling better! What a SWEET giveaway~ count me in! and yes I'm a follower!

  4. So glad Josie is feeling better! Praying for her!! ;) Such a sweet giveaway Miss Kim! Oh my! I would love a chance to win! I adore the embroidery hoop Valentines!!! xo Heather

  5. Love all these sweet Valentine goodies! Glad to hear Josie is feeling better! Have a great weekend!


  6. What a sweet give-away! Have a great week end!

  7. Hi Kim! ALthough I only discovered your blog 2 weeks ago, I enjoy it so much I have read every single post from the archives! I love all your crafts!and Halloween is my fave too! TRADITIONAL Halloween! I enjoy crafting too! Hope you'll visit me at Maggie's Lil' Fixins!
    Glad Josie is better and well enough to attend on Saturday! Maggie

  8. Kim, what a sweet thing to do! Please count me in and I am already a follower! So glad Josie is feeling better and back to her pretty smiles! Thank you XOXO

  9. Glad things are getting back to normal for Josie!

  10. Kim, I'm so glad to hear Josie is feeling better! These swaps have been so much fun!!! ....My daughter and I have met so many wonderful people :)...I love doing crafts and learning new things. I love hearing old and new stories about peoples adventures! I feel like we have an extended family. Thank you for letting us follow you :) Count us in!

  11. So glad Josie is feeling a little better. I'm sure you are happy about that! Count me in on the giveaway-such cute things!

  12. Glad Josie is doing better, hope she is able to attend Saturday's festivities. Thank you for the chance to win the adorable Valentine package!

  13. Glad Josie is doing better, hope she is able to attend Saturday's festivities. Thank you for the chance to win the adorable Valentine package!

  14. I simply love all your Valentine creations, Kim! Still sending good health wishes for Josie! xo Nellie

  15. I'm glad Josie is showing improvement! Get well soon, sweetie! And I love your sweet giveaway. I know I shouldn't enter...I've won before but that little doll is so precious and now I think I need one! heehee! Sweet hugs!

  16. Yeah - how fun! Please count me in!I'm glad Josie is feeling better. I had 4 with low-grade fevers today.

  17. Love the quilled heart ornament, I have some instructions on how to do quilling, hope to try it soon. Freezing here today windchill 35 below!

  18. So glad to hear that Josie is feeling better. What great Valentines. Sooo cute. What a generous giveaway. I would love to be included.

  19. so much cute stuff Kimmie! Im glad that sweet josie is feeling a little better. Nothing worse then sick babies. and glad to report that my son didnt have to work last night so he went home and went to bed! he has to work today, but at least he will have slept. such great relief for me.. at least for this moment! lol
    have a great Friday!!

  20. Such a talent you have . . . how do you find the time!
    Happy Josie is feeling better . . .

  21. Glad that little Josie is feeling better! What great Valentines, so creative. I love the little hoops and the dollie, way cute!! Have a great weekend!
    Happy Valentines Day xoxoxoxox

  22. SO much cuteness! So good to hear Josie is feeling better too.

  23. Your valentine tree is very cute, with all those sweetly crafted valentines. Glad little Josie is starting to feel better.

  24. Glad she is doing better!
    What a fun giveaway!

  25. Kim, you always do the best giveaways.... so cute!!!!

  26. Great news on Josie feeling better. What a wonderful giveaway for this cold start to February.
    Everything in is just too sweet!!

  27. Such a sweet giveaway!! You are too kind!! So glad your Josie is feeling better!!


  28. Finally snapping out of my blog break to visit, and I'm so sorry to hear that Josie has been sick, but hope she'll be better real soon!
    I would be so thrilled to win your giveaway Kim, so please throw my name in!

  29. Just recently found your blog and I love it! I have an Emma too and we love dollhouses!

  30. Glad to hear Josie is feeling better, I was also wondering where you got that beautiful white tree?

  31. What a sweet valentines giveaway. I would love to enter your darling giveaway. Glad to hear that Josie is feeling better. It's sure no fun being sick.


  32. Glad to hear that Josie is feeling better! What a kind, sweet spirit you have! Hugs!

  33. You are so sweet to offer your beautiful goodies as a giveaway. I would love a chance to win. I chose to follow you not because of your giveaway but because I admire your work. And well, if I do win, that's the cherry on top!


  34. Glad to hear that Josie is feeling better! What a kind, sweet spirit you have! Hugs!

  35. It looks like you are ready for V-Day! Hope Josie feels better soon!

  36. So glad to hear Josie is doing better, I hope she's back in action very soon.

    What an awesome giveaway, one I wouldn't mind winning..........

    Big Hugs,

  37. What a delightful assortment of treasures!

  38. Somehow I missed a few posts this week. It is too bad that Josie has been sick, but glad she is on the mend! I hope today went smoothly. It would be great to win your lovely creations--thank you!

  39. I love your white tree and we were inspired to make one. I hope to post photos this week. We have our own swap, so don't put my name in the hat for the giveaway, but who ever wins that treasure package is one lucky reader!

  40. Hi, I came to your blog looking for ideas for a vintage valentine. Our women's director decided on this theme for our annual valentine activity we do for the ladies from our local Teen Challenge. (ladies recovering from addictions) We go there and just love on them. I got introduce to this decorations and love them! Thanks for the ideas and this giveaways!

  41. I am so hoping your Josie is feeling much better! I love your blog!

  42. I would love to win your fun giveaway as I don't have too much Valentine stuff to decorate with.

    Thanks for the chance to win!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.