February 2, 2013

Josie updates and red lantern preparations...

Although Josie has gotten much better since the beginning of the week, she is still not strong enough to attend her Chinese School and the party this evening. As you can imagine, she's disappointed, but Chris and I just can't take any chances with her. The event is being videotaped, so at least she will be able to watch it later.  It also helps that I'm also going into her classroom to teach a lesson on Chinese New Year and we will be having a party with her classmates on 2/12.  

Despite her absence, I have committed to finishing out my obligations and I spent several hours with the Chinese New Year party Friday evening. One of the main decorations are 50+red lanterns that will be centerpieces on each of the tables at the Public Museum. One of the professors at my University volunteered his time and talents to paint Chinese characters on the lanterns.

While Emma babysits Josie this afternoon, Chris will be helping me transport and set up the decorations at the Museum.  I promise to share more pictures.  Have a beautiful Saturday.


  1. Kim, I am glad to hear your little one is on the mend and will at least get to see her Mom at the party through the video.
    My own life was blessed by a Chinese woman who was an artist friend of my mothers. Our home was filled with her art that contained the beautiful brush stokes from her country. What an elegant party this will be! Elizabeth

  2. well, I'm glad shes feeling a little better. she'll be happy to see the pictures or video.
    how nice of your professor to paint those lanterns.. it really makes them that much more special doesnt it?
    have a nice weekend Kim. I'm just hanging out at home. though, if the weather is ok this afternoon, I may go see Les mis which my daughter. well see...

  3. Those lanterns are amazing and it's wonderful that he volunteered to help paint them. Glad things are looking up with Josie. I don't think you can be too careful with her right now. Better to fully recover than have it linger and cause other issues.

  4. I am so glad to hear she is feeling better its always hand wringing to have a wee one sick but with her history I would assume extra concerning. Those lamps are beautiful how sweet of your co-worker to help out. Snuggle up with your baby girl and enjoy the video ! Elaine

  5. I am glad to hear that Josie is improving, but you are certainly wise to take no chances. Staying in until she is stronger is very smart!

    The lanterns are beautiful. I hope you will take some pictures of the final decorations.

    xo Nellie

  6. The lanterns are extra special with the art work.
    I am suree your heart is torn since Josie can't go. I think your decision is right. There is supposed to be three viruses our there and you don't want her to get another one on top of what she has. Since she has to be careful anyway, keep her as safe as you can. She will have fun at her Chinese party at school. Hope it all goes well.

  7. I'm glad to hear that Josie is on the mend but she must be so disappointed not to be able to attend the party tonight. I remember being young and missing out on something - I thought it was the end of the world! (oh, heck - I still feel that way!) ;)

  8. It's always hard to miss special events! She will have fun watching the video and her own Chinese New Years Party!


  9. So sorry Josie is still so sicky!!! What beautiful lanterns.

  10. Glad to hear Josie is feeling better and nice she will be able to watch and then celebrate with her class. Very cool lanterns!

  11. Bless her sweet heart! I hope she feels better soon!

    Those lanterns rock! So cute!

  12. Bummer with Josie not on the complete mend..close, but not quite...dang!
    Super lantern project and love that the professor volunteered to make them more magical!

  13. Poor Josie, but I am so glad to hear that she is feeling better. Although I am sure she is disappointed, you are making a smart decision. Hope the event is a big success! Love the lanterns!

  14. Sorry Josie cannot attend :( sometimes it hurts doing the right thing. Those lanterns are beautiful! Maggie - Maggie's Lil' Fixins

  15. Kim, I'm sorry to hear Josie wasn't able to make it ...but I'm sure video taping the event will make her feel like a big part of the celebration! You have the magic touch to bring a smile to that little girls face... :)...and those lanterns are spectacular!

  16. I am happy to hear that Josie is feeling a little better but also sad for her because I know how much she loves the CNY celebrations and parties! Please give her hugs from the wienee ranch in NC! I found some cute goodies I think are just perfect for Miss Josie! I will get them in the mail this week!
    Have fun and take lots of pictures.

  17. It is too bad that she won't be able to attend but the important thing is that she is feeling better. The lanterns are wonderful! I love the addition of the script.

  18. I'm sure the Peanut is disapponted; I'm so glad you're going to do a presentation at her class. I always did that on their Family Day. Chopsticks and popcorn were a big hit with the classmates!

  19. Wise decisions on your part are ones we as parents sometimes have to make. I hope Josie continues to feel better so she can enjoy her Chinese New Year event in her school room on the twelfth . . .
    I love the red lanterns!

  20. I hate to hear that Josie isn't able to make it but I think it is the right decision. Hope she continues to heal.

  21. Big hugs for little Josie - and big hugs for you, too. I do look forward to seeing the pictures and all your decorations. The lanterns look wonderful!

  22. WOW! Those red lanterns look really awesome with the Chinese characters painted on. I can't wait to see the pictures of the rest of the decor.
    I'm glad little Josie is starting to get better, but sorry to hear that she still wasn't well enough to go to the event this evening. Having the second event makes it easier to swallow the disappointment.
    I found something today that I want to send to her. So a second little package is on the way, with her name on it.

  23. The lanterns look stunning! I look forward to hearing how everything came together. I am so sorry Josie was not able to attend, but you are so right to trust your instincts and I am glad to hear she is on the mend and will be able to take part in the school celebrations.

  24. I'm sure it will be a great success. So sorry Josie can't attend, but I'm glad she's on the mend.The lanterns are beautiful!

  25. I'm so glad you're going to tape it for Josie. I'm sorry she can't go. Give her some extra hugs from me! I hope she feels all better soon!

  26. So sorry she is not well enough to go. Glad she will get to see it on video. Hope she gets better soon! Praying for her! Beautiful lanterns! xo Heather

  27. Those red lanterns turned out so great!
    Wow. You put a lot of work into this!
    You are Super Kim!!


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