February 18, 2013

The weekends are never long enough...

This was the perfect weekend to take advantage of West Michigan outdoor activities.

When we weren't on our backyard ice rink, we were taking long walks in the woods behind our home.

 I've shared on other posts here and here that Consumer's Energy owns the land behind our home and it's fairly undeveloped.

 Our street is named after the creek that runs behind our property and with all the snow, the creek was nice and full of  rushing water.

Lots of warm beverages were sipped this weekend.

Happy Monday!  May the work-week go by quickly!!


  1. Looks so fun and you all look great! Why do the weekends go by so fast?? Happy Monday!

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the photo of you and your girls.. just beautiful! It seems you had a perfect weekend... but its not over yet.. you still have today! have fun. I think Im going to make something eastery!
    happy day!!

  3. That looks like the perfect winter weekend and I love your chicken teapot thingie. I have one of those and had no idea what it was for (other than look pretty).

  4. I agree, the weekends go way to fast. At least this weekend, I have a little extra time thanks to Presidents Day. Looks like you took full advantage of all that snow. I am so tired of the snow we are getting because it comes and goes so quickly that you can't do anything with it. At this point I am saying bring on spring.

  5. Wonderful family photos!! I am looking forward to my extra day off today!!


  6. Great pictures! Looks like you had a wonderful weekend!

  7. Love the great pictures of you and the girls and Chris! Looks like you had a great time, how lucky you are to have that area behind your home! Keep warm:)

  8. What a terrific blog! You have a beautiful family. How did I miss finding you before this? Gorgeous photos.

    Agree on the week-ends flying by, but I get an extra day on this President's Day too. Enjoy! Pam

  9. What wonderful pictures of a fantastic week-end together!

    Some folks have today off work as it's President's Day. Guess you aren't one of those.:-(

    Have a good Monday. xo Nellie

  10. How lucky you are to have that pretty creek behind your house. Looks so wintry-I won't tell you how warm it's been here in Tx, not wintry though. Have a good week, Kim.

  11. What a lovely weekend. It's so funny, because here in CA it was completely opposite...warm and sunny! I am quite jealous of your beautiful snow!

  12. If only three day weekends were the norm- I'd certainly appreciate the extra time with family! Looks like you all had fun!


  13. The pictures are so nice. Snow makes the best back drop. Looks like so much fun.
    Love the tea pot holder.

  14. So beautiful and such sweet photos!! Happy Monday! xo Heather

  15. I'm glad that you enjoyed your weekend...and yes it always goes to fast! It sure is nice to have a lot of undeveloped land behind your house! I will be mailing the girls pkg on Wednesday...I have to meet with the prosecutors tomorrow about my daughter, Ashleys case and might not make it to the post office in time tomorrow.

  16. I bet those are the kind of special family days that your girls will remember as the best ever! They're so lucky!
    On a different note- I think I need to hire you to make my blog banner! lol Yours always looks so good!
    Erica :)

  17. What a fun winter weekend! You all look sooo cute all bundled up! I, too, hope the work week zips right by because today was a complete zoo!

  18. Love the story of the woods! What a gorgeous landscape to look out at, winter and summer!

  19. Kim,
    Thanks so much for always stopping by!!!!

    Lovely pics of a lovely family enjoying the Winter!!


  20. What a lovely opportunity laying just out in your back yard. You truly have an amazing lifestyle. The picture of you and your girls is so lovely, and you can definitely see the resemblance between you and Emma.


  21. Sounds like you guys know how to enjoy winter! We don't have much of a winter in our neck of the woods but if we did a backyard ice rink sounds like fun!

    Gin =)

  22. You have gotten lots of use out of your rink with this long winter we have had. How lucky to have woods to explore so close to home. An old fashioned day for sure! Elizabeth

  23. You guys are so lucky to have such a beautiful area to explore! And such beautiful snow! I can be envious of it, since I don't have it here!!

  24. What great adventures right in your "own" back yard!
    Beautiful pictures!
    Such a darling family!


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