August 5, 2014

A few more sneak peeks of the a-frame...lower level happenings!

Chris and I would have never agreed to purchasing the a-frame if it didn't include a lower level. 
 Without this additional space, the cottage would have been "too" cozy.
Over the last two weeks, Chris has been replacing the stinky shag carpeting, installing laminate flooring, painting the cement walls, and getting things spruced up.
   Yes.  He taught himself how to install flooring.  He is pretty amazing, isn't he?
Although we aren't completely done, shall we take a tour of the lower level?  Stair railings will be happening in the near future.  He's thinking of using boat oars to construct them.  
The entire basement is furnished with estate sale furniture, Goodwill furniture or items from our house basement.
For example, this over-sized plaid chair and ottoman were $20 from Goodwill.  After a good cleaning and lots of sunshine, it's perfectly fine for lake living.
The pole lamps and the light-up picture frame are totally tacky, but they add some fun ambiance to the lower level.
The model ship and stained glass were also rescued from an estate sale.
The corner couches and the table were also estate sale items.  We've been determined to stick to a budget and I think we've succeeded in keeping the costs to a minimum.
We've also found some really unique pieces from estate sales and my beloved Grandfather's personal collection.
As you can imagine, we're not done yet.
Chris would like to cover some of the cement walling with more wood and we're hoping to create another dining space and sleeping area.  Hard to believe we've only had this a-frame for a little over a month. 
It's definitely a labor of love.


  1. Everything looks so cozy and cute Kim! I think the new basement floor is beautiful-enjoy:@)

  2. The stairs ,oh my. Do you go down on your bottoms? Really I love the a-frame and everything you put in it. Nothing tacky that I see. Very comfortable.Fun, homey.

  3. When you first showed us this wonderful little space, I thought...oh dear big bucks to make OK...Was I wrong! Your husband is worth his weight in gold! Lovely, lovely place Kim!!! Love the new banner and sidebars on the blog too! I wish I could learn how to do this....I would change my blog a lot through the year....:)

  4. Chris sure is handy - lucky girl! You will have to draw us a floor plan of the A-frame :). It looks a lot roomier on the inside.

  5. What wonderful progress you have made! It's great that you have been able to keep the costs down for your remodeling projects! xo Nellie

  6. Incredible progress! Boat oars are a great idea for the railing. I was going to suggest doing what we did with our mantle since my basement has the lodge look. My husband cut a tree in half, left the bark on the outer part and polyurethaned it over and over for the rustic look. Perhaps Chris could do something like that for a railing if he didn't do boat oars. I'm thinking of a skinnier version. Love the boat oar idea though!
    It all looks fabulous!

  7. I just love watching everything come together! A job well done and I can't wait to see it finished. I love all the furniture, perfect lake house furniture! Reminds me of the lake house my grandparents use to rent every summer when we were little. I remember a puzzle glued into inside a picture frame hanging over the fireplace-so cute. I was only about 4 or 5 at the time. What wonderful memories your family is making. Thanks so much for sharing, Holly

  8. You guys have done so much in a short amount of time. What is winter like on the lake? Does it freeze? Will you still go as often or is it more of a summer thing? The floors look awesome!

  9. Everything is so darling Kim and your husband is amazing!

    I'm having so much fun following along with your cabin spiffing up and cozying!

    Happy Wednesday!

  10. That floor is amazing! Can't believe he did it himself. Love those couches in the corner too. Whatever will you buy at estate sales when you're done furnishing the a-frame? Just kidding :)

  11. How exciting to have more room to spread out in, and yes, your hubby is AMAZING! And if you're going to have skis for shelves, you need boat oars for railing!

  12. Boat oars for railings...genius! Give that sweet and talented hubs of yours a high five for job done outstandingly well! You two are a bundle of inspiration! Love the lamp and Yellowstone trivia. And, the couches! Ohhhhh! So campy cute!

  13. Wow -- that looks so good! Your hub is so talented!!! Love all your great finds!

  14. Love, love, love the new floor in your lower level! Everything looks soooo good! I am ready to move in!

  15. You guys are doing a great job. Hopefully you are taking time to relax and enjoy your hard work!

  16. Amazing......I never dreamed it had a lower level. Looks great, and in just a months Y'all have worked a miracle

    Blessings friend

  17. Wow, Kim! I can't believe all of the changes you've made in such a short period of time to your cottage! Chris is one talented guy! We had one of those light up pictures in our living room when I was a very little girl. Fun to see one again:)

  18. So fun to see it all come together! Love those couches!! Such a sweet place you both have created!! xo Heather

  19. Wow! It looks GREAT! And you've worked so hard! I know it will be worth it though! What fun you're having! Hugs!

  20. Amazing Kim, looking really great.
    That Chris is certainly a treasure!

  21. It's all looking really wonderful! You guys have put so much work into it, to turn it into a cute, comfortable, cozy, vacation spot. :-)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.