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February 14, 2017

4th Annual Harry Potter Yule Ball

For my long time followers, you know that my husband loves Harry Potter and spends time each week reading Harry Potter during the lunch hour at two different elementary schools in his district.
 A few weeks ago was their 4th annual Harry Potter Yule Ball. 
Each year it gets more and more elaborate and the crowds get larger and larger!   They had over 260 kids in attendance this year!
The Grand Rapids Public Zoo was back with several of their magical creatures.

They even had quidditch lessons provided by the Grand Valley State University Grindylowe’s team.
The Knight Bus was also another popular returning activity.
As you can imagine, Chris was happy to wear his Professor Albus Dumbledore costume all evening.
Once again, the decorations were nothing short of fantastic. 
One of Chris’s amazing colleagues even created this Hogwart’s Express from several refrigerator boxes, while Chris supplied our Halloween fog machine for the steam.
Chris and all his amazing staff/parent volunteers really outdid themselves.
With Josie's 11th birthday happening in June, we've already decided that we will be recycling many of these activities and decorations for this year's birthday gala.
Until then, have yourself a magical week! 



Jboo said...

Wow -- that is so cool!!

Lynne said...

Kudoes to your guy and his team . . ,

I've been missing you . . .
Happy ❤ Day . . .

Lynn said...

Very neat! Bet the kids all loved it:@)

NanaDiana said...

Wow! What a wonderful event. I can tell that a lot of hard work went into the setup and running of the program(s). Congrats on all those kids and 4 years of the same event. xo Diana

craftyles said...

You guys are so creative. How fun is that? He looks wonderful in his Dumbledore costume. I'm sure the kids had a blast!

Pam~ Virginia Retro said...

The kids must have been thrilled with a party like that. What fun! Nice to see you post.

Corey said...

Hi Kim! (I couldn't find your email address, so I'll leave the note here...) I've FINALLY posted photos of my new studio/dollhouse extravaganza room! Just thought you'd have fun checking it out! :)

Unknown said...

Wow!! Such an amazing Harry Potter’s party. All these arrangements are just adorable. Would love to try this themed party at one of venue New York. Going to use your ideas in doing arrangements. Thanks for sharing fantastic ideas.

Jill M said...

Where are you????? I have really missed your posts. Hope all is well.

Jill M

Unknown said...

Wonderful your Blog very much.... bloom tattoos

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