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January 29, 2014

How deep is it?

Can you stand a few more snow pictures?  Like you really have a choice.
 The snowdrifts around our yard are HUGE, but in the parts of the yard without the drifts, the snow is a solid 19 inches deep.
That's crazy deep.
 Josie can't even walk in our yard without being swallowed by the snow.
This latest arctic freeze has had the girls home from school for three days. As you can see, the snow banks at the ends of everyone's driveways have become mini mountains.
As much as I love winter, this is getting slightly ridiculous.  Some of the early weather models are predicting another big storm in the next week.  At this rate, the girls will still be ice skating in our backyard in April.


Margaret said...

Good Morning! That sure is alot! We have about 15 inches--got two more over night...Think Spring....

vivian said...

ahhhh! winter schminter! (isnt that what Mary Englebriet says? ) beautiful pics.. snow is pretty.. pretty cold.. pretty annoying and Im pretty sick of it! lol!
woke up this morning to frozen kitchen drain. now I wish I had washed that darn pan last night instead of leaving it to soak overnight. lol! Oh well, it is whatit is.
so.. have a lovely day and stay warm my friend!!

Lynn said...

This has been a brutal winter... While it doesn't sound like fun now, ice skating in a thin sweater in April kinda sounds neat:@)

Courtney said...

I had a drift that I shoveled the other day that was 12 inches and I thought that was bad enough. I am really over the snow and bitter temperatures. Also I wanted to thank you for your technology advice on Google Chrome the other day, everything has been working perfect! Stay warm.

Lynne said...

Crazy Ridiculous!

A day without snow falling will be the first best day of 2014. And then a day without zero like temps thrown in there to boot . . . we can say, YAY, almost perfect weather around here.

Pray tell, where are we going to put all of this SNOW.

I do believe the girls could be skating in April, I sure hope that isn't the case!

Jodee Leader said...

Oh my word! Your snow is sooo crazy! I almost wish we had some since it is so freakin' cold here! At least we could go sledding or do something fun with it!

Love these pictures!

Happy Hump Day!

GardenOfDaisies said...

Oh Brrrrrr!!! That is crazy snow! I think all of our snow blew right over us and fell on you this year. We've only had an itsy bitsy bit this year.

LBP said...

Good Heavens! We only got a light dusting which promptly turned into ice with our single digit temps! Stay warm!


Pam~ Virginia Retro said...

Ok, so guess I need to accept our 5 inches and single digit temps without complaint, lol.

It is peaceful and beautiful, but your weather has been over thectop crazy! Really cute pics of the girls!

Shirley Hatfield said...

We may (finally) get some more snow tonight. The temps in most of Utah will be around 50 today. This is not normal! We need the snowpack in the mountains so we don't have water shortages next year. Freaky weird winter!

NanaDiana said...

Oh- It is so awful, Kim. I am just tired of it all this year. It is crazy and winter is really not half over here yet! The girls are cute in it though. xo Diana

Donna said...

Wow, that is alot of snow, Kim! Bet the girls are enjoying their time off from school. Crazy weather down here too. Thankful that we aren't in Atlanta, the city is shut down due to a major ice storm, cars and semis are just stranded or abandoned on the expressway! Don't hang up your ice skates just yet:)

Nellie said...

Winter just doesn't want to give up, does it? We have four inches of snow here, a rarity! Take care, and stay safe and warm! xo Nellie

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

That really gives us a better idea of how much snow you have. I love the cute snow outfits the girls have on! Stay warm girls! Keep the cocoa warming on the stove! Sweet hugs from a chilly rainy Florida! (in the 40s this morning!lol)

laurie -magpie ethel said...

That really is insane weather. It just keeps coming and coming doesn't it?

(Rainy here and in the 50s. Planted primroses yesterday for a touch of the weather differs from coast to coast)

Lutka And Co. said...

Oh my, I keep saying it - the snow is sooo beautiful! Hard to imagine. I am on my way out to buy some new plants for early spring planting. What a difference!

Pam Kessler said...

You live in Alaska, right :) The weird thing is that it is only the end of January. We have LOTS more winter left and who knows what will happen!

★Carol★ said...

This is shaping up to be one crazy winter, and the scary part is that it's still only January! We're expecting another 6 inches on top of the over 2 feet we've already got. Looks like you guys are embracing it though, and just having fun!

Anonymous said...

So much fun for the kids! This will stick in Josie's mind and when she's grown, she'll say, "Back when I was a kid, the snow was deep!"

Stay safe! ♥

KJ@letsgoflyakite said...

You are covered! My family is eagerly awaiting the groundhog's prediction. I hope the storm misses you, we are still in polar vortex temperatures.

Corey said...

You know it's a crazy winter when there's even been talk of possible snow down here in Florida! All that snow you've got is crazy, although every time my kids see pictures like that, they wish we lived where it snows. I feel bad, because they've never seen snow- we may need to take a little weekend trip a couple states north to see some real snow this winter!

Cheryl G. said...

That looks like snow we've gotten in the past! Yikes!
Those pictures of your girls are priceless!!

vintage grey said...

Wow, so much snow! Sending some CA sunshine your way! ;) xo Heather

Jboo said...

Wow!! Maddy is jealous of your snow and snow days off!! Maybe some coming tomorrow for us. We've had the arctic freeze but not much white stuff! Have fun! :)

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

You take the prize on the highest amount of snow for sure!!


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