Since my last post back in February, we’ve celebrated Emma’s successful first year of college. She made the Dean’s List both semesters and she even had a wonderful opportunity to study abroad in Ireland at the end of winter semester with the Social Work department.
We’re so proud of her ability to juggle academia and working two jobs. She’s pretty darn incredible.
I recently celebrated my 49th birthday. How the heck did that happen? And we’re getting ready to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary on Memorial Day. We aren’t doing anything super exciting for our milestone, but we’ll be heading to my “happy place” Aframe and I can’t wait to unplug and get away from work.

Speaking of the Aframe, it’s in the midst of a huge exterior renovation. It now has all new windows and is in the process of getting siding.
We had hoped to save the original exterior wood and repaint, but it was too far gone and Mother Nature kept finding a way to sneak inside. With us enjoying the lake year-round, we decided to go with siding so that we didn’t have any more surprises.

Our next big celebration is Josie’s 11th birthday. If you’ve been a long time follower, you know how much I enjoy party planning.
We’ll be going ALL OUT with a Harry Potter themed event early June. Stay tuned! I can’t promise how often I’ll keep this updated, but I’ll try to do a better job. Virtual "hugs" from Kim K.