First. Thank you for all the well wishes regarding my upcoming foot surgery. It did help to put it in writing and feel all your support.
I really don't want a pity party. I just want to fast forward into May!!Tomorrow, we celebrate our 4 year Josie Adoption Anniversary!

A special post will go live first thing Friday morning. Josie has even asked me to videotape her singing a "song" for her special day. I can't believe it's been 4 years already!!

Healing thoughts to you on the surgery. And a great big Awwww about Josie's anniversary - what a sweetie.
Awwww! Those pictures are just the sweetest!
Can't wait for the post tomorrow! :) xo Heather
How cool, I can't wait to see a video of her's gonna' be so darn precious. Tell her we're all excited!
Precious....I am just so happy for you all! smiles...Renee
How exciting, Kim! Josie is such a sweetheart, and a true gift from God! Still keeping you and your upcoming surgery in my prayers, I can totally relate to your wanting to get it all over with!!
Oh, my, how she has grown!
Looking forward to seeing and hearing her tomorrow!
Hugs from Chicago...waiting for our flight to CA!
Can't wait for hugs from ur sons!
What a very special girl! I bet she'll be happy to be your nurse during your recovery!
I can't wait to hear her song!
so exciting! I hope you will post the video of Josie singing! I so want to hear her sweet little voice!
Congratulations to you all! What an awesome blessing for all out you.
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