I saw
this Valentine
template which featured featured glow-stick bracelets and knew Josie would be excited about constructing them for her upcoming kindergarten class party.

The hardest part will be making sure the bracelets don't bend and start "glowing" before the Valentines party. Josie's convinced that these Valentine bracelets have superhero powers and was very happy to "test" one of them out.
My funny Valentine!
Happy Friday!
Happy Crafting!
Happy Valentines!
you come up with the cutest stuff! Happy friday to you too! I get out early today for my mammogram. woohoo.. such fun... but its all good, I get to babysit Torry pie afterwords!
have a great weekend!
This is so great - I absolutely love glow sticks, they are so much fun - we bring them on vacation! Such a great Valentine for schools that have no candy rules. For my nephew I found a glowstick printable valentine that turned the glowstick into a Star Wars lightsaber!
Oh what a cute idea!!! Hmmmmm, Im pretty certain my office mates need some glow braceletes as well.
Those are so cute. I love your blog ideas and following your family. How much would my office love me for glow sticks I wonder?
Josie's classmates will be so excited~lucky kids!
Another terrific crafty idea!
What a cute idea! Very original...I bet no one else will have one!
Good grief these are cute. I think you should be a contributor for Family Fun magazine. Josie well done on your name. That is a lot of work. Love them all...smiles...Renee
Oh, these cards and bracelets are the cutest...well, and your precious Josie! She brings a smile to all of us! ♥
Those are so awesome!
Awww Josie is so cute and I LOVE that she said that!
Those are so adorable Kim!
What fun! Children love such special treats! Wonderful memories you are making with Josie!
Those are sooo cute! Hope you have a great weekend!
Such a cute idea! The big smile on her face says it all, doesn't it?
I saw these on Pinterest and thought they were too cute.
That is the cutest Valentine's idea! My son is too old for the Valentine's Day parties and I miss them. It was so much fun to decide what to hand out!
Thank you for the shout out on these valentines! You have had a much better response than I have...in regards to comments. ;) They turned out cute! We had a few that snapped while we were putting them together but didn't think twice about it. My daughter and I had a blast making them. Happy to have you as a reader at Family Brings Joy! Happy Valentine's Day, Kim :)
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