Today we are celebrating our 3 year Josie Adoption Anniversary. Josie brought home this picture from preschool on Monday. I just love how she and Emma are holding hands in her drawing.

When Josie first came home from China she was high maintenance in every sense of the word…she had extreme night terrors, complex heart issues, food hording issues and separation anxiety that would rip your heart out (
not to mention an extra thumb on her right hand).

Orphanage pictures

She had to get to know us.
We had to get know her.

We had to lovingly and
very slowly teach her how to trust us despite multiple surgeries, hospitalizations and unpleasant doctor appointments.

Her trust didn’t happen overnight.

That first year was a mix of emotions. I hid most of our problems from my blog world but leaned on my adoptive friends and family for support. You know who you are, THANK YOU!
Today is our three year anniversary of being a family of four.

Nanchang Civil Affairs Office (2008)

When I see my two daughters together, I am reminded that the painful journey of secondary infertility was worth every migraine and shed tear.

You have come so far.
You've learned so much.
You've taught US so much!
Beautiful post, Kim. I have tears welling - Your family of four has so much love and courage. Blessings to you all on this special anniversary.
Happy Happy Anniversary!!! We may have to celebrate with you (just hundreds of mile away!) Love these photos all of them are sooooo precious!!!
Have a happy day Josie with your beautiful family!
Happy 3 year anniversary. Josie is just such a precious addition to your family. Enjoy the day.
3 years... WOW. Your family got through the rough and it's great to see Josie flourish in your family. She is one lucky girl and I love the flare & batman she's brought to your lives.
Congrats on your beautiful anniversary. What a inspiration your family is to me! Both your daughter are the cutest.
What a beautiful, beautiful child. Happy 3rd anniversary as a family of four!
What a special family. Celebrate with hugs and kisses!
May each hurtle get easier to jump! XO
both of your girls are adorable. what a darling pair of sisters.
Happy Anniversary! I also have tears in my eyes remembering all the issues and adjustments the entire Family had to make. All of you. What an amazing journey and what a strong Family you have become! Emma has become the BEST big sister I have seen when I have been able to and You and Chris are just an=mazing with both of them. Congratulations!
I absolutely love all of you! I have the most amazing God Daughter in the world and the most Beautiful Princess for a niece I have ever imagined!
I'm lucky too!!! XOXOXO :) <3
Happy Josie Day!!! Thank you for sharing her with us:)
Congrats on your three years together! Happy anniversary to your sweet family!
Wow, that is just amazing, Kim! I am so happy for all of you! Josie is such a sweetheart, I loved the photos of her as a little one. I was going to say that I'm thrilled that Josie had a happy ending, but it actually is a happy beginning!!! Congrats to you all:)
Happy Anniversary to you all!!! What a beautiful post, love to you all,
Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful tribute to your daughter. I cannot imagine how much more difficult it was to add doctors and surgeries on top of the newness of adoption for her. Congratulations for navigating her way through all that at once and coming out on top!
I remember well reading your blogs when Josie came to be part of your family. As a fellow adoptive mom, I knew that you were experiencing lots of frustration, but I knew that God was preparing a much lighter load ahead as Josie adjusted and got well.
Chris even wrote at one point just how patient and loving you were with Josie...God chose you to be her mom (dad and sister) because he had prepared your hearts and you were her perfect forever family.
You are such a wonderful and happy little girl! I am so proud that you will be starting school next year...I am sure you will have lots of friends and do well! Happy Josie-Day, Sweet one! I love seeing that smile!
Much love,
Happy Fam-i-versary! Such a journey that you have been on. Love this tribute to her and to your family. :)
Happy three year anniversary!! I love seeing the pictures, and seeing how far she has come! It really gives me hope :-)
Oh happy anniversary!!! I so love to see all the picutures and hear more and more of your journey as a family.
LOVE this post..
Happy Josie Day...
LOve ya
Wow, really?? THREE years??? And look at that radiant little girl! What a miracle!
Thanks for sticking it out, through all the trying times. And for always staying so positive, even in the midst of heartache.
Love ya!
Wow! What a tough cookie! Your sweet girl has come soooo far! She looks so happy and well adjusted now! You two are amazing parents!
Enjoy celebrating this weekend. I can't wait to see pictures!
Wah...what a beautiful post!! Josie is amazingly strong and beautiful. I love the picture she drew of herself and her big sister. How adorable is that?! Congratulations on three precious years together!!
We remember well the trip to the airport that night even thou we only saw you for a few min it was well worth the time as we saw that beautiful little baby girl and how it has been so good to watch her and Emma grow up to be loving sisters. We are so happy she is part of our family You have done such a great job as parents and big sister. Love you all the Aunties
THREE years? Wow! I can't believe it. I think you were matched with Josie around the time we were in China to get how time flies! You realize we'd STILL be waiting for a referral, right? Thank God in all His glory we made it to the other side!
Love makes all the difference in the world, doesn't it?
Happy Josie anniversary to you ALL!
Kim, I have so many friends that struggled with fertility over the years and have adopted. They have grown both emotionally and spiritually by it all. Children are such a gift and it is such a gift for you to share this will all of us. Such beautiful girls and a wonderful family...Renee...
You (and Chris) are a brave person/s to undertake this life changing experience BUT now you are a Mom to 2 super girls who just light up the world! Congratulations and best wishes for year #4.
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