With a small space heater and all that insulation, the
treehouse is still snug and toasty in December. Our special dwelling is now officially decorated for Christmas.

I have a feeling these treehouse lights will be staying up long past Christmas. It's so cozy looking. After mass on Sunday, we took our father in law to Breton Village Mall to see the Christmas train display.

I can't believe how long we've lived in Grand Rapids and we'd never taken the girls.

With multiple trains and such detailed scenery, it's just outstanding.
Excuse the blurry cell phone shots. 
Chris's father retired from CSX railroad several years ago.

This is a picture taken 10 years ago of Emma and her cousin Quinn. They were almost four years old at the time and were visiting Papa at work.

With all our recent train activity over the last 24 hours, we decided to dig out our miniature CSX railroad train set Sunday evening and set it up on our ping pong table in the basement.

The buildings that you see featured with the trains were goodies that I picked up at the Allegan Antique market for $10 a few summers ago.

The whole family (even our kitten Luna) was excited about the whirling trains in our basement.

There's definitely something magical about trains at Christmas.

Have a wonderful Monday!
The Christmas countdown continues!!
Your tree house has a fantasy quality, having a space heater is such a great idea and that Christmas train display is amazing. I am really enjoying photos of miniatures right now. Have a great Christmas week!
Love that incredible treehouse of yours!!
And love the trains -- my Dad is a retired railroad engineer! Train people are special! :)
Happy Monday!
Your little tree house looks so cute with it's lights on!
I love visiting the big train displays at our local train station too. The pictures of your FIL setting up the train with your girls brought a lump to my throat. That is something my late BIL loved to do. He passed away a couple of years ago and we all miss him.
We have a draw towards trains as well. Justin LOVES them and can't wait to pick it up as a hobby :)
It is so true. My MIL always has a train around her tree. The boys have always loved trains from Thomas to any large ones. We are lucky to have the BNSF around and through the city. Union Station always puts on a huge display at Christmas. Love the tree house. Merry Christmas...Renee
Your treehouse looks just adorable with the cute holiday lights!
The treehouse looks wonderful and what a cozy and charming retreat. Do I see a new hobby coming with the trains? How fun! Merry Christmas
How special that you decorate the tree house for Christmas like that. My kids always loved trains at Christmas - train displays, trains to ride at the mall. Have a wonderful week.
Sounds like you are keeping busy with your FIL. We keep telling our son that we don't have to be entertained....but the love that surrounds us is magical!
Love the trains! Wonder where mine disappeared. Someday I need to search the attic!
Enjoy your week!
I love trains at Christmas! What a sweet trip to take your father-in-law.
I love the lights on the play house!
ohhh sooo sweet!! I'm so glad your FIL is with y'all! Praying for y'all!
Oh, I love trains. Have one around the tree right now. The new dog chases it whenever we turn it on, so it's just for looks right now :(. Your treehouse looks so cozy with the lights on it for winter.
Kim, The mall looks like a wonderful place to visit!! So many memories for the girls to have with their Papa!!! I love that it inspired you to get out the trains at home and set them up! You can see the joy in your father-in-law's eyes as he is working on them!! Merry Christmas and have a wonderful week. I pray daily for your family during this time of loss. How special for Chris to have his Father with him at this time and how special for the Father too! I am sure it helps them both to heal!!!
Merry Christmas!
Oh, I forgot to say how beautiful the tree house is. The box is in the mail and there is something in the box for the girls to put in the tree house!!
I love the tree house lights and wreath, Kim! I'd want to leave it up too! And looks like everyone is enjoying the trains, so funny about your kitty:)
Bonjour, votre maison éclairée est vraiment superbe. On croirait les petites maisons que certains mettent à côté de leurs sapins. Le train en modèle réduit, tout une époque. Je me souviens que mon père en avait fait un pour mes frères dans le grenier. Il était super et il faisait attention au moindre détails. Les passages à niveaux se fermaient, les maisons étaient éclairées. Ensuite, mes frères ont grandi et mon père a enlevé le train. Je pense qu'il a tout conservé dans des cartons dans le grenier. Bonne journée à vous tous.
Oh my word! Your treehouse looks sooo pretty all decked out for the holidays. I want to move in!
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