I've long been a fan of the author of
Kay Bratt.

I was moved by her book
Silent Tears and found myself purchasing additional copies to share within my adoptive circle. While we were waiting to travel to China, I purchased a zillion books on adoption.

I poured over them. The former librarian in me, couldn't stop researching and reading. Nearly, four years later, we're starting to get different kinds of questions from Josie and I was pleasantly surprised when Kay Bratt contacted me to see whether I'd be interested in a copy of
Mei Li and Wise Laoshi.

This is a wonderful book written to address some very culturally insensitive issues surrounding adoption. Questions like "
Is that your real mother? Where are you from?" are discussed in a manner that all children can relate to. Kay is even donating copies to various schools around the country and some outside the USA. If you’d like your school or classroom to be considered, please leave a comment on her
blog. I've ordered several copies on Amazon. You can find more information
Thanks for all you do to bring awareness,
Isn't it great to have so many books on topics that you need. I found myself doing the same thing when our oldest was diagnosed with a medical issue in elementary school. Just dove right in and found comfort in someone else's experience. Beautiful illustrations on the one Miss Josie has...smiles...Renee
Thanks kim! I really need to get this one! I just ordered some others - but forgot about this - poohy! Gotta get on Amazon again. :)
Very sweet. You are very wise.
Thanks for the heads up, Kim. This book looks very good!
Such a helpful post, Kim, for those who are dealing with adoption. Our church has just recently announced the formation of an adoption support group.
Thanks for all the great tips and ideals you share about everything! You are so amazing kind and considerate of all of us! Big hugs!
We adopted over 20 years ago and I wish we'd had a book like this back then. Thanks for sharing.
That looks like a great book, I will go and check it out. I always have been one to collect every book about a subject, as well, and it looks like we have a lot of the same books!
Also, I left you an award on my blog today!
I adore Kay too! She has such a big heart!
P.S. I am getting ready to give Silent Tears away on my blog.
Hey my friend!! These books look awesome. I'm going to have to check them out!! I have SO MISSED checking up on you guys. After working 3 and 1/2 years...I've not been able to keep up like I would like. But I've actually turned in my resignation at work and in a few weeks...I'll have more time to do some things I really enjoy doing. I really look forward to it. I can see you have really kept up the blogging and that is wonderful!!
I look forward to connecting with you again!!! Have a great weekend.
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