As you can imagine, our house was full of excitement prior to morning kindergarten.

Josie was very proud to wear her special outfit to school.

At circle time, we talked about the significance of the dragon and then Josie's classmates got busy decorating their masks.

After their masks were colored, the students posed for pictures.

Don't they make fabulous dragons!!

We then celebrated with a short Chinese New Year parade down the hallway, where we came back to the classroom and set off bubble wrapping firecrackers.

Josie then passed out her red envelopes and gold chocolate coins.

A fun time was had by all.
Happy Chinese New Year!
woww i like it!!
that is sooo neat! I bet those kids had a blast! i love the bubblewrap firecracker idea! who doesnt love to pop bubble wrap!
Happy Year of the Dragon!
What a special way to celebrate - such friendly dragons!
I love, love the idea of bubblewrap firecrackers - how fun!! when your package arrived, Evangeline Hope immediately put the bubble wrap on the ground and started jumping on it!!!! Josie's CNY outfit is lovely. The two piece ones are difficult find. I really love them, because the vest can be worn in so many different ways.
What a fun celebration at school! It looks like everyone had a blast!
Love this special day! And how sweet that her teacher welcomed y'all in!!
A belated Happy Chinese New Year to all! It looks like such an exciting time!
Any reason to pop bubble wrap!! Josie's face radiates pride and happiness. Sherry
What fun!
Thanks for sharing!
I know that Josie has been loving the last few days in the Kenward household! She looked absolutely beautiful for her first father and daughter dance. (Of course, just like her sister, she is beautiful no matter what!) And the party, well mom, you did an awesome job as usual. I hope that next year I can go to Tori's class and share in the experience.
You know that God has given us so much through our adoption experiences. I am so grateful that I have found friends like you in which to share laughs, crafts, surprises, and all that life brings.
Have a happy Tuesday!
Oh, that looks like so much fun. I love the bubble wrap firecrackers. I had to read that sentence twice though, because my first thought was "Kim gave Kindergarteners firecrackers?".
You are such a great mom to do that!
Loved all the dragons!
All the kids looked like they had fun!
Josie is adorable in her cute red outfit!
Wow! What a great day, especially for Josie. Bubblewrap firecrackers...what a super-duper idea. Happy Year of the Dragon.
What fun and all of the kids are learning so much about traditions from another country! Your little dragon is just the cutest! ♥♥♥
Oh, the kindergardners and their teacher must have loved that! What cute ideas! I bet Miss Josie loved showing off!
How fun!! Everyone looks like they had a blast :)
Love it. How cute is she? The joy on all those kids faces is priceless. Are you ready to start Valentines day now? Smiles....Renee
OMGosh Josie is so stinkin' adorable! I wanted to thank you Kim for all the verbal support you've given me're awesome! May the year of the dragon be the best one yet!
Big Hugs,
Love it! So sweet! Happy CNY!
Looks like the year of the dragon was a bit hit! How neat that the kids get to experience a bit of Chinese culture!!
What a wonderful day. It was so nice for you to go in and share this with her classmates. Josie looks so proud! Love the bubble wrap firecrackers.
love it, kim. miss josie looks like she had the best time, well done. you really made it special for the entire class.
loved her all dolled up, for her special date with dad. both girls looked beautiful. so sweet of big sis to help.
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