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August 5, 2009


A package was delivered to our house. The girls excitedly gathered around as I opened the box! It was a surprise sent by Shanna from Our Big Crazy Family!

Aren’t these tiles beautiful?

I can’t wait to hang them up in the girls shared bedroom. The popcorn rocks too!! Thanks, Shanna.

Speaking of bedrooms, months ago, we painted Josie’s bedroom (the room that Emma also enjoys sleeping in) a lovely shade of green. We had picked up fun linens at IKEA and the whole room ended up getting a complete makeover. Right before the paint job, we took everything off the walls, packed up the stuff and put the boxes in the basement until we had decided what we were going to do with the placement of new furniture (a big bulky bunk bed and two new dressers). Fast forward five months, we FINALLY got everything put back on the walls. A cleaning frenzy (actually it was more like a meltdown) made me realize how much stuff never got put back in Josie’s room. Here’s a little tour of the girls walls now that everything is hung back up:

Thanks for taking the bedroom tour. Chris and I have begun to ponder repainting our own bedroom and the living room. The neutral brown paint is soothing, but it's time to finally make this home OUR home. This would be the last of the original paint from the former owners. Stay tuned for more decorating madness.


Unknown said...

Love the room Kim!

Courtney said...

The room looks great. Love the great tiles!

Shanna said...

Beautiful room!! You have such great style Kim. I need you to come an help me in my house!! I haven't a creative bone in my body. I have all this cool stuff from China and have NO idea what to do with it. Besides, you need to visit us here in Atlanta....

Cindy said...

I love the way the kites and lanterns are hung. good seeing ya last night, maybe again every tues?

Erin said...

You are so creative! I love watching your and your girls'imaginations come alive!

PandaMom said...

Those are so cute! Guess what? Up until a few months ago I had a pink set of the Chinese "pajamas" hanging up in PG's room, too!! Great minds, right?! ; )

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim..I'm asking if you would help me out by reading my blog post regarding an adoption fundraiser (for friends)..and possibly posting the chip in' info on your blog? I have never been prompted to seek out other's help before like this..but if you feel led, I would greatly appreciate it. I feel such a need to rally for this 9 yr old girl..and her family. I am working out details today on how I can have a raffle (or two) with some of my sewing items for their I may ask you to promote that as well. :)

Truly Blessed said...

Nice tiles (what a great gift idea!).

Like the bedroom, it's really a good cross between little girl and big girl. I'll bet you're glad it's done!