For the most part, Josie is still a terrible traveler (darn) and her sleeping is still the pits, especially when she's in a different house. However, she's made HUGE gains in being social, happy and comfortable around her Detroit family. She just loved her newest cousin and was more than happy to kiss and help him with his bottle.
We did Christmas a bit early (due to Josie's upcoming surgery and cast). Josie was more than eager to open presents and Emma was more than happy to help her out.
We promise we'll be back to the east side of the state, family. We love you all!
hope you had a good with you this week.... ;)
This is Sherri, the crazy hockey mom, Shelly made you meet on Saturday at Yack Ice Rink. Thank you so much for bringing the family up there so I could finally meet you all. I know Chris wasn't too happy about coming up there, thank you anyways! (Sorry we woke Josie up) Aunt Shelly truly loves both your little angels. We talk about them alot. I enjoy reading your web site and I will keep Josie and your family in my thoughts on Thursday. Thanks again for making the trip up to the rink and I hope you have a wonderful holiday....Sherri Lynch, (Wyandotte Hockey Mom)
Hello Kim,
I just wanted to let you know that our family will be praying for Josie on Thursday. We know that the surgery will be successful, and she will do great! As soon as you can, please let us know how she is doing.
Much love from Tenneesee,
The Whaleys
Looks like you had a great trip. I know it is hard traveling with a toddler, but it is always worth the effort once you have made it back home :)
Countless prayers are being said for Josie and your family this week as you prepare for her surgery on Thursday.
How great that you were able to go ahead and do Christmas before Josie's surgery! Looks like it was a very special day! We're praying for you guys this week!!! We just know it will all go well!! Keep us posted!!
Josie will be on top of mind this week, and holler if you need anything! Emma is really growing up! She looks so collected in the photos. This was your turn to motivate me, I'll get the boys down to Macy's soon, this year on a "work" day!
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