While we were at the lake last week, Chris and I did manage to hit one estate sale. We were in and out in just a few minutes but I did happen to find a few holiday items, as well as another wool plaid blanket and handmade afghan.
I also made a quick trip with my mom and sister to the local antique mall and scored this amazing tin Easter basket for $3! Aren't the graphics darling?
These squirrel salt & pepper shakers are now living at our
A-frame too. With all our oak and pine trees, I believe they have become our lake house mascots. On the way back home from our week at the lake, Chris found a picker's sale (the house is so bad, it's actually being demolished) but he dug through some boxes and came home with Santa and Satan.
Last but not least (and certainly most exciting) my husband's former principal generously gave us this beautiful pie safe....for FREE!
Isn't it gorgeous?
My mother has a pie safe and I've always wanted one of my very own. As you can imagine, I've already had fun filling it with linens, my grandmother's dishes and other special treasures.

I still can't believe this beautiful piece of furniture is now mine! I'm feeling very spoiled and very blessed (thank you Linda).