Chris's mom is now in a rehabilitation center in Ann Arbor and we'll be spending the next few days across the state visiting. I have a feeling our kitty is nesting in her favorite spot while we're gone...the Christmas tree skirt.
Here are a couple of suggestions for Christmas break boredom buster ideas. I'm recycling the handprint Christmas tree from last year.

Last year before Josie underwent her corrective hand surgery, I wanted to find a way to preserve her extra thumb in a picture and remembered a craft that we used to do in elementary school. This cute little Christmas tree is crafted out of handprints. You'll need green construction paper, scissors, glue, a pen for tracing, sequins, markers or buttons for decorating the tree. I also used brown construction for the tree trunk and yellow construction paper for the star on top of the tree.

Step 1. First, I traced the girl's hands. I even included my hands and Chris's hands in this project. You will need ten hands for this handprint Christmas tree.

Step 2. After I traced the hands, Emma and I then cut out the hands. Notice Josie's extra thumb in this tracing.

Step 3. We began assembling the tree. We glued together four hands for the bottom of the tree. On top of that we glued three more and continued working our way up to the top of the tree.
Step 4. I then added a trunk to the bottom of the tree and a star on the top.
Step 5. You can decorate your tree with all sorts of items (buttons, sequins, paper hole punches, stickers..etc).

This project is such a fun an easy craft, you could actually make several different trees to share with friends and family.
Another fun idea are these reindeer cookies that I saw online. Aren't they cute? I thought it would be fun to put these together with the girls when we get home.

Reality tells me we won't have time to do this because I haven't wrapped a
SINGLE gift. It's going to be quite a bit of last minute preparations upon our return home. Anyone else feel alittle bit behind with Christmas preparations this year?