Chris is one heck of a master pumpkin carver. I'm not even going to attempt to say that I help out in the pumpkin carving festivities. I stay on the other side of the camera lens and far away from the pumpkin ooze.

Chris has a local farmer that gives him a deal on his pumpkins because he buys them in bulk. It's not uncommon for Chris to carve up to thirty pumpkins in celebration of the Halloween party. He literally pulls an all-nighter to get them all carved in time for the party.
Here are just a few of his masterpieces:

Chris's favorite tip is to carve out the bottom (instead of the top) and then use the large Christmas bulbs to light the pumpkins from underneath. Most of the pumpkins line our walkway and our graveyard during the party.
In addition to pumpkin carving, the party games are almost all unpacked and arranged throughout the house. Without giving away too many secrets, I did manage to take a few pictures this evening.

This is pin the wart on the witch. We'll be using mini green playdoh balls for the warts.
Many of the games require throwing. Those special games are in the garage (hee hee).

If you look closely at the pop, I managed to find spooky labels at our local dollar store. Too cool!

Emma filled the sucker tree last night and Josie decided to rearrange all the suckers again this evening. The sucker tree is now out of reach from a very busy toddler!!
I promise to take as many pictures as I can during the party. We have record numbers for this year's gathering. It'll be interesting to see how Josie takes in all the activity, costumes and new people in our house. Speaking of costumes, Chris and I have amazing costumes and wigs this year. I'm not quite sure how long I'll manage to stay in costume (and wig) all the while chasing a toddler, refilling a popcorn machine and managing games. I think my favorite activity this year will be the face-painter that we've hired for the party. I can't wait to see all the kiddos with their special face-painting makeup.