We were blessed with fantastic weather and I even got to enjoy a quiet moment with my husband on the back deck after the girls went to bed (we were convinced that if we lit enough candles, the mosquitoes would stay away). And for all of you that said my husband looked like Jordan Knight from the Back Street Boys on my Anniversary post, I'll just say he thinks he has the "right stuff"...hee hee.

I have to say it one more time, Emma finished up her spring soccer season with a GOAL on Saturday. She hasn't loved soccer this year, so we're really proud of her.

I even got to sneak away to the Allegan Antique Fair on Sunday with my mom and sister. Talk about amazing girl bonding time!!
Drum roll please...this my last week of packing lunches and getting everyone out of the house on time!! School is done on Friday for Chris and Emma. Although my work schedule is year-round, I'm looking forward to only being responsible for me (AND ONLY ME) in the morning. No more stressing about homework and missing shoes. I can't wait to throw their lunch boxes and knapsacks in the cupboard until school resumes. We've decided to keep Josie in daycare on Tuesday's during the summer to maintain a routine and to help with the transition back in the fall. This will also give Chris and Emma one day a week to do things that aren't necessarily toddler-friendly. We found out that the ice cream truck visits her daycare on Tuesday's and decided that would be the PERFECT day to attend. Don't you agree?

Have a great week, everyone.