Chris and I were commenting on how much Josie's ability to articulate her words has changed dramatically over the last few weeks. She's been expressing herself verbally for quite awhile, but it wasn't uncommon for one of us to still have to translate a few of the words in her sentences.
All of a sudden, she's now asking questions, giving us directions (dang she can be bossy), and she's even telling us stories that she's made up about her dolls and stuffed animals. She's grown into quite the chatterbox and we're loving it.
Emma has decided that since school is out, Josie needs to continue with her daily educational routine and she's set up a classroom in our downstairs family room.

I have to credit Emma for helping Josie with letter recognition and counting. Josie is leaps ahead of where I expected her to be after only being home a little more than a year. She knows all her upper and lower case letters and is trying to read sight words. Her brain is a little sponge and Emma is more than eager to fill it up.

Tomorrow night we're heading to the airport to greet Kimberly and Sophia Jane from China. I've made a few special flags to celebrate their arrival. Stay tuned for more pictures. I just love happy endings!!