Before Emma left for Varsity Band practice, she drew this evening's give-away winner.

And the winner is...

LBP Sews

Congratulations, Linda. Please send me your postal address and I'll get your treasures in the mail. For everyone else, I promise there will be many more give-aways...especially as we get closer to holidays and my craft room is over flowing again.
Congrats to the winner, you lucky girl, you!
I'm so happy for Linda...she will be thrilled! You always have the best giveaways! Enjoy your evening, my friend and tell your daughter she looks beautiful in the photo. I love her pretty smile!
Congratulations to Linda..she is a doll. Enjoy camp Miss Emma...smiles...Renee
I am so happy that Linda is your couldn't pick a sweeter person! =D
Congrat's to the winner!!Thank you for having this sweet giveaway.
It's almost the weekend!
Deb :)
Congrats to Linda! xo Diana
Congratulations to Linda!
Little Miss Emma - wow! What a beautiful young lady you are now!!! :)
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