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January 26, 2014

Weekend adventures...

It's been quite the winter. Another 12 inches arrived Friday night into Saturday. 
 The snow is so deep that it's past Josie's waist in most areas of the yard.
Chris even took the snow blower to our ice rink.
What a crazy wild winter.
 A few things from the weekend that made me smile...

Sugar cookies with Josie.  We used our horse cookie cutter for a few "Year of the Horse" cookies.
Marathon games of  Pay Day.
Celebrating my dad's birthday watching the Harlem Globetrotters.
Not rushing off to work and enjoying a large cup of coffee with extra whipped cream.

Puttering around in my craft room.
A very busy work week awaits and I understand more arctic temps are on their way.  Be safe.  Be well.


Debby said...

Wow, that is a lot of snow. We have had maybe 10 inches since Friday. 2-4 more tomorrow or tonight. I love winter but this is a lot to love. The cold temps are the hardest. Love your cookies. Stay safe and warm and COZY of course.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Hubby and I looked at your photos together. It just looks unreal! But I'm glad you got to spend time with the girls and do some fun things! Hope your hubby got some special coffee, too! Stay warm my friend!

Margaret said...

Now that's a great weekend! I'm surprised you are able to travel to see the Harlem Globetrotters in such bad weather. Aren't they amazing? I just love seeing all the Chinese New Year crafts. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday my friend! :) be safe Hugs, Maggie

Lynn said...

This sure has been a difficult winter! The cookies look so cute, love the horse cutter. Stay warm and be careful:@)

Lynne said...


I doubt others in the warmer, no snow states, know what we are talking about. Seems like we are having the snow of the late seventies!

Poor Chris . . . what a daunting task! Jack said today for the first time, I am getting tired of this . . . my body and hands hurt!

Love the girls play side booth for games! Great purchase.

Josie looks like she is growing up since the summer. They change so fast.

What a treat for "grandpa" to watch the Globetrotters in person!

Craft away my dear, these are perfect days for it!

Donna said...

Wow, that is alot of snow, Kim! I am sure the girls are excited about yet another snow day! I wonder if they will have to make them up at the end of the school year? Keep warm and cozy,your photos are amazing!


Fun weekend! Cute cookies and fun time your dad!
Looking like more Fun in the craft room!
You keep warm too!

laurie -magpie ethel said...

I finally got my head wrapped around how much snow you had envisioning it up past Josie's waist! Wow.

Pam~ Virginia Retro said...

Oh I really don't know how you are dealing with all that snow and cold! You Midwesterners are hardy souls! Fab photos, fun snowed in week end. How did you get out to that game? Do you have a snowcat? ;)

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

I love your snow Kim!!! Looks like you all had a great weekend! Try and stay warm this week!

Lutka And Co. said...

Wow, I can't imagine all that snow! It is so beautiful! As for us, we are having record warmth. It doesn't even feel like winter.

Perfectly Printed said...

You have all the snow and here in California we have had no rain in I don't know how long and are now rationing water! Too bad we can't trade! Looks like you had a fun weekend!!

~Damita's Pretty Wrap~ said...

It's like a complete white out right now at our house, all schools cancelled already for tomorrow! Your cookies look really yummy! My hubby just made oatmeal chocolate chip, with a a little help from me, yum!! Enjoy winter activities and stay warm!! We are in for quite the weather and temps too! Brr! xo Holly

Jodee said...

Holy smokes! I can't believe that snow! We haven't had that much at all.

It looks like you had a fun weekend! Stay warm!

NanaDiana said...

Kim- Could you please remind me AGAIN WHY we live in this part of the country? Our schools are closed all around tomorrow as we are supposed to be 20 BELOW zero! UGH!

Have a great (even though it's busy) upcoming week- xo Diana

LBP said...

Wow! Y'all gave been hit hard with the snow and below freezing temps. Luckily, we have only had the extreme cold, no snow! Have a great week.


Anonymous said...

Now THAT'S the MI I remember!

Pam Kessler said...

What an awesome winter weekend! You need to put Josie in a neon snowsuit so you can find her if she gets stuck in a snowdrift :)

Courtney said...

Yay, I am able to leave a comment. Thanks for the tip, it worked. I am sure Logan would love to see the Harlem Globetrotters! Stay warm!

Nellie said...

What a busy, full week-end you had, Kim! Love those Year of the Horse cookies! xo Nellie

Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Looks like a fun weekend! I can't believe all that snow! Yikes! It seems like it snows everyday here. Only an inch or two at a time though. We are expecting more on Thursday. Stay warm!


Lil Raggedy Angie said...

WOW it's cold here in Ohio but nowhere near that snowy...I'm a new follower and look forward to reading more posts and getting to know you...stay warm...Hugs lil raggedy Angie

Jboo said...

It has been a wild winter! Really cold here too - but no snow and we think if it's going to be cold, we might as well have some snow! :)

Stay warm!

vintage grey said...

Beautiful snow, but that sure is a lot of it! Looks like you had a wonderful weekend! Stay cozy and safe this week! xo Heather

donna said...

WOW! Y'all really are getting the snow. It looks beautiful in your yard. It is suppose to get cold here too, but nothing like that only in the 30's I think?
Stay warm and safe.

Cheryl G. said...

That's a lot of snow!
We are trying to stay out of the snow as much as we can.
What fun with your family!
I grew up loving the Harlem globetrotters! Back in the day of Curley!
Love the cookies and hot chocolate!

GardenOfDaisies said...

Love the cookie making and game playing and all the time spent with family. The picture of a perfect family. :-)

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Okay, You definitely have way more snow than we do!! Holy Moly!!


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